Silvia publishes an ultrasound image on Instagram


For trash fans, the Wollnys are absolutely cult. Now the extended family is growing up. Silvia Wollny published an ultrasound image on her Instagram profile – and provided a mysterious explanation.

According to the 53-year-old woman, one of her daughters is already five months pregnant. Mama Wollny, who has eleven children, writes about the ultrasound image: "For some, Friday the 13th is a dub day, but for me today it's a wonderful day with good news Mom is the first time and she is already in the fifth month, so it will not be long before she can hold her little miracle in her arms, it will never be boring with us.

What She did not tell Silvia, however, which of her daughters will make her grandmother.Sylvana had her first child in 2013, while Sarafina denied pregnancy in her Instagram story.Remove Calantha, Lavinia, Estefania and Sarah-Jane: As for age, they are all theoretically in question

The post is meanwhile confusing. "Some girls are still under the age of 18. It is unlikely they're giving birth to children right now, "says a user, another adept complains," He's corrosive to make hints and starve all the people on the long arm. "" As that's nice, congratulations, "is another comment. So it's still exciting.

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