Sion: The electric car – not Valais!


(AN) Sono Motors, a young German company, is currently developing the Sion electric car with an integrated photovoltaic cell, which will come out of the production line from 2020. "On June 21st, the car traveled 32 kilometers in Munich. ! "Explains Katja Tschakert, Director of Business Development at Sono Motors. A conversation on the sidelines of Power2Drive Europe on 22.6.18. in Munich

What distinguishes Zion from Tesla?

We have a very different goal than Tesla's. Our vehicle is not part of the high price segment, but is a car for everyone, which differs mainly in the price of the Tesla. In addition, you can charge your battery bidirectionally, which is not possible with a Tesla. And we want to build a car suitable for everyday use, which also integrates mobility services. It's very important to us because we want people to share their car as well: share attractions, share cars and share their energy.

How will the sharing be done?
GoSono app be possible. We imagine you are registering your vehicle and renting or sharing it.

So Sono Motors is probably the only car manufacturer in the world who does not want to sell as many cars as possible?
It may be controversial. But in addition to mobility concepts that work well, we are also interested in rolling a number of our cars on the road. Nevertheless, we believe that overall there should be fewer vehicles and that existing vehicles should be used smarter. On average, vehicles stand approximately 23 hours a day and are not used. It's simply a misallocation of resources and this is not mandatory!

What did Sion do in Germany?
First, the whole development. In addition, we have awarded an important order to the German manufacturer Elring Klinger for the manufacture of a battery system. By deciding in favor of a domestic location for the production of battery storage, climate protection and working conditions play a major role first and foremost. Otherwise, we are driving a carry forward strategy, that is, we are building our automotive products already available on the market.

How many kilometers does an average private car in Germany recover?
It's only 16.2 kilometers per trip. The number is therefore particularly impressive because people are afraid of the seemingly too small range of electric cars …

How many miles can a Zion actually cover when he is alone from the body's photovoltaic cells [19659007] ?
The installed power by Sion is about 1.3 kilowatts. Yesterday was the longest day of the year and Zion was completely in the sun all day, so we calculated that it was producing electricity for a range of about 33 kilometers .

S & he had confessed yesterday and would have liked to make an average trip today …
So that would have been enough, back and forth!

So sometimes the solar current reaches 100% of a trip? [19659003] Absolutely! And even with many more rides than you would imagine, since most people do not even go that far, for example to work and come back. Often, these are not so great distances. And in such a case, you can already say in the summer that the Zion can be charged by the sun. Thus, one is already much more independent of Ladeinfrstruktur

Are there people who should not buy a Zion?
Everyone should buy a Zion! Everyone who wants a global concept and shared mobility. Anyone who wants to escape the big car manufacturers, who do not do a lot of things ecologically and ethically. Those who ordered our first cars will live the concept of sharing. If it is feasible and works well, more and more people will want to use it!

What are the most absurd prejudices against which Sono Motors had to fight?
On the one hand, many thought we were only 5,000 vehicles will be produced. Others, in turn, believed that we would not go into business until we had 5,000 orders. Many believe that solar cells are just a gag, the same applies to the foam. When we tell you what it is, most of them are pleasantly surprised.

The people who commanded Zion, but who are already the ones who put A) with electric mobility and B) also want a car made in Germany?
Basically, that's true; the technical expertise within our community is considerable. For many, it is also the first car, which is also very enlightening. And for many, the issue of self-consumption of solar energy is important, so many who have already commanded Zion, also own solar systems. Last but not least, many are simply delighted with our overall concept that they have not found anywhere else.

2020, the first roll of the band, sports cost 16,000 euros. With or without battery?
Exclusive battery. This is because the battery prices were still very volatile when we determined the price for Zion, they are partly still today. Thanks to our pricing strategy, we can pass the best price of the battery to all those who have already booked a car. We also think about rental concepts or if the batteries can not be rented.

Exciting, good luck!

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© Interview: Anita Niederhäusern, editorial chief editor and editor-in-chief

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