According to a report "Cnet", Apple turns away from Qualcomm. The platform is based on Qualcomm CFO George Davis, who reportedly said in an interview with analysts that his company does not expect to deliver 4G modem chips for the next iPhone. It is assumed that instead Apple is fully engaged in the modems of a competitor, so Davis.
Apple and Qualcomm are in patent litigation since early 2017. Before these quarrels Qualcomm has provided all the modem chips to Apple, most recently Apple bought these components in about half of Intel. "Cnet" now assumes that Apple will only count on Intel in the future.
For end-users, this may not be good news, as switching to a single provider could mean that Apple will (again) have a harder time meeting the initial demand. In addition, tests have shown that smartphones equipped with Qualcomm chips achieve higher network speeds than those equipped with Intel components. The differences are huge, downloads with Qualcomm chips should sometimes be well over 50% faster. Apple should have its own iPhones with Qualcomm chips even slowed, so no difference with models with Intel components.
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