Star Citizen: crowdfunding campaign with the next step


  Star Citizen: crowdfunding campaign with the next step - Video presents the upcoming content

According to official figures, the crowdfunding campaign for "Star Citizen" has now reached an impressive $ 189 million. In addition, a new video is available in which future content is discussed.

Some time ago, the "Star Citzen" space simulation was the title of the most successful crowdfunding campaign in the field of video games.

Also in recent months, the new project of veteran industry Chris Roberts stopped and provided more success messages at regular intervals. As announced by Cloud Imperium Games developers responsible for "Star Citizen", the project's crowdfunding campaign has recently taken the next step. In the meantime, more than 189 million dollars have been collected

Star Citizen: Alpha Update 3.2 released – Mines, New Ships and More

Cloud Imperium Games released Alpha Update 3.2 for Star Citizen. Included are improvements, new features like mining and other ships.

Star Citizen: A new video presents the upcoming content

In addition to this announcement, the creators of Cloud Imperium Games have released a new video for Star. Citizen "Ready." Here we have to do with the current issue of the video series "Around the Verse" mentioned, in which the development of "Star Citizen" is discussed.

Thus, the developers of Cloud Imperium Games look at the Alpha 3.2 already available before accepting future content and improvements that "Star Citizen" will consider in the near future.This video is ready to be viewed below these lines.

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