"Star Wars is not yours": James Gunn admonitions of hate fans – Cinema News


Some of the "Star Wars" fans have shown their worst times. Apparently, the director of "Guardians Of The Galaxy" James Gunn sees this too, and he reprimands them on Twitter.

Lucasfilm / Disney

When "Star Wars: The Dark Menace" comes out in theaters in 1999, the film comes out one of the first story shitstorms in the internet while still young – of course, long before this term even existed. However, how much things were going on at the time, the actor Ahmed Best recently made it clear in a Twitter post that he had thought that he was committing suicide because of reactions from media.

However, it is only one of the many filmmakers who have been taken away by fans of "Star Wars" disappointed because of too violent and especially insulting attacks. For example, Kelly Marie Tran has removed all content from her Instagram profile for racist and sexist insults. And the director of "Mission: Impossible 6," Christopher McQuarrie, recently wrote on Twitter that he is now "cured" of wanting to make a "Star Wars" movie after he and Rian Johnson "The Last Jedi" are unexpected and completely disconnected in the umpteenth debate, personally offensive on "Star Wars 8."

So, some of the "Star Wars" fans have been around for quite some time, but especially in the last six months, its worst. Apparently James Gunn, who shared a link to news about suicidal thoughts of Ahmed Best on Twitter, wrote that people should eventually come down. A few hours later, he was apparently compelled by the reactions of his post to continue his thoughts, adding: He was not afraid that instead of the actor one would attack the author (c & rsquo; Ie George Lucas), but rather that we should not overflow hatred anyone who does his best to tell a story . Even if you find the story stupid: When in doubt, do not look.

With a third tweet, Gunn concluded his remarks shortly after: "Star Wars" (or any other movie) may be important to you, but it's yours. no. If your confidence in you depends on the quality of the current Star Wars movie or if your childhood is wasted because you do not like something in a movie, then go to therapy. but also to the many hate messages about "Star Wars 8."

Here you can look at the entirety of Gunn's Twitter feed:

The last statement should by no means be misunderstood: Gunn does not want everyone angry "Star Wars fans go in therapy as contraindicated by their colleagues CBR in their title .On the contrary, he is concerned about a serious concern: whose life through a movie, and even a movie as big as " Star Wars ", becomes so misaligned that it offends and harasses others, maybe really serious Problem.

" Star Wars 9 "is launched on December 19, 2019 in German cinemas. Gunn's admonition has an effect and the reactions of some "fans" are then less violent and, above all, less personal.

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