Stormy weather on the red planet


Stormy weather on the red planet

by [D-19459007] Stefan Deiters
20. July 2018

In a week, Mars opposes the sun and
so is closer to the earth than it has been for a long time. At the same time is the
Planet now wrapped in a huge cloud of dust, so on his
Surface hardly more structures are recognizable. What's New for the Rover
is a problem, scientists welcome the secret
to unravel these global dust storms.

For Mars researchers, the last few weeks have been extremely exciting – and it's
not because of the looming opposition of the red planet, in which he said that
Earth relatively close. The reason is rather a series of huge storms
on Mars where so much dust was raised that the planet was
now almost completely wrapped in a cloud of dust. Such a global
Dust storms occur only every six to eight years, which corresponds to three to
four Martian years. Why and how they arise is up to now researchers
always a mystery.

The current dust storm took place at the end of May as a small local storm.
At first, but developed into a global phenomenon during June
was also a problem for the opportunity Mars Rover . Since this sound
The energy produced using solar cells, but the dust is the sun
obscured, he no longer has enough power for his various
Use appliances The rover team so has all the activities
together ( reported). For some people
Time that you have no contact with the Rover. Probably is
Currently, there is not enough energy to power transmitters

The team Opportunity hope, however, that the rover will take the storm
survive. Although it can not heat due to lack of electricity
activate, but at least the dusty atmosphere should ensure that the
Nighttime temperatures are not less than Opportunity
acceptable values ​​fall. At NASA, however, we do not expect
so that the rover will report before September. Should be
could have deposited a too thick layer of dust on the solar cells
take even longer.

Other Mars missions attempt detailed observations
to learn more about this meteorological phenomenon: How to capture the probe Mars Odyssey
with the Thermal Emission Imaging System the surface temperature, the
Temperature of the atmosphere and its dust content. "It's one of the biggest
The weather phenomena we have seen so far on Mars, "says Michael
Smith of Goddard Space Flight Center one of the
The scientists. "Having another example of a dust storm helps us
to better understand this storm. "

On the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter observe two instruments
regularly the storm: So are constantly taking pictures of the whole planet,
document the evolution of the storm. In addition, will be
Temperature measurements made at different levels of the atmosphere. " The
So you can start with a small localized storm
and it makes something move, finally the whole planet
The packaging is already remarkable, "says Rick Zurek of Jet Propulsion
of NASA.

While the MAVEN probe observed the dust storm only indirectly through the
Probe has studied its effects on the upper atmosphere of the planet, the
Mars Rover Curiosity On the occasion, the surface of the veil
Make planetary measurements. The rover will use a battery of radionuclides
leads, the dust in the atmosphere does not bother him, because not
Sunlight is needed for energy supply. Among other things, collects
Information about the size and quantity of dust particles
l & # 39; atmosphere.


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