Summer ticks: researchers worry – this summer, there are as many ticks as for ten years


Cologne –

Germany threatens "summer ticks". This means that there will be a lot of ticks this summer. As a result, the risk is increased to be bitten. This increases the risk of developing meningitis and Lyme disease, warns experts from the German Insect Research Center.

Dr. Gerhard Dobler has been studying the spread of the TBE virus in Germany since 2009. He critically assesses the situation: "This year the overall risk is particularly high," he says. "We will have the greatest number of ticks in the last ten years."

No vaccine against borreliosis

The problem: Ticks are particularly active in hot weather and when they stain blood, they can transmit diseases such as Lyme disease. Find pathogens in every fourth tick. And this regardless of the region. There is no vaccine for the disease, and it is usually treated with antibiotics, depending on the stage of the infection.

Prevention is the most advisable: after walks in the forest and stays in the open air, you must always check the blood. research carefully. Because it is true that the faster the tick is removed, the lower the risk of developing Lyme disease. Borrelia are located in the intestines of the animal and are usually transmitted only 24 hours after the bite. The situation is different with TBE viruses: they are localized in the salivary glands of the animal and can thus penetrate more quickly into the bloodstream of the host.

Not curable: tick biting TBE virus

the main transmitter of another disease that can infect us with a tick bite. Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) is a viral meningitis that can be life-threatening. TBE is first noticeable by flu-like signs. In order to prevent the risk of disease, one can and must be vaccinated against TBE

The Standing Committee on Immunization at the Robert Koch Institute recommends vaccination TBE for residents and visitors to the zones at risk, for example, rural areas or outdoor recreational activities pose a risk of ticks, as well as those threatened by their occupation, for example forest workers in risk areas or laboratory personnel. The disease is not curable. In all cases, ticks should be considered, especially in TBE risk areas. There, more ticks are infected with viruses than anywhere else. In what parts of Germany this is the case, you can find it on the website of the Robert Koch Institute.

If you find a tick while searching, you should remove it quickly

Special sprays or creams also protect against leeches. However, at the latest after three hours, the remedy must be applied again to all uncovered skin areas. Anyone who wants to be outside and protect themselves from leeches should always wear long pants and long sleeved clothes. In addition, it makes sense to regularly scan the body for bites, as ticks wander on the skin looking for a well-irrigated place

Anyone who discovers a tick must remove it as soon as possible without tightening it. This is not possible with the fingers, so you must use a clip or a card. Otherwise, there is a risk that more pathogens will be transmitted. It is then advisable to disinfect the puncture site and observe for about eight weeks.


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