Super Neptunia RPG: Artisan Revealed as a Character


  Compile Heart has updated the Japanese site for Super Neptunia RPG, revealing a new character with Artisan. The name is here ...

Compile Heart has updated the Japanese site for Super Neptunia RPG introducing a new character with Artisan. The name is a reference to the developer of the game, Artisan Studios, based in Quebec City

Artisan (spoken by Satomi Akesaka)

She cited the opposition to the ruling Bombyx organization Mori. His allies trust him unconditionally. She has a wonderful brush and is a master of disguise. One of his hobbies is consistent painting.

An organization that loves 2D games

A self-proclaimed heroine and her merry companions travel around the world. In one of the many dimensions exists a Gamindustri, which consists of pixels and illustrations as a 2D game. This world is run by an organization called "Bombyx Mori" that loves 2D games, and people compile 2D games under duress and pay their taxes in the form of game modules. It is said that those who produce bad games or more modern games go to court and their souls are destroyed.

In this Gamindustri cursing the future, a girl who has lost her memories wakes up. This girl is heading to the nearby town under the control of Bombyx Mori, but monsters intervene. She fights them with a fallen cypress stick and wins brilliantly. She surely knew that she was a hero, the protagonist of the game called Neptune. The self-proclaimed heroine Neptune will meet several people and embark on a journey with a mysterious book (Story)

Super Neptunia RPG will be released on PlayStation 4 in Japan on September 27, 2018, and on West for PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch l & rsquo; Next autumn.

via Gematsu

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