With the first trailer for "Maniac" was announced the launch of the series Netflix by Cary Fukunaga ("True Detective"), in which Jonah Hill and Emma Stone are reunited eleven years after "Superbad" – is celebrated but not this time.
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In the first trailer of Cary Fukunaga's "Maniac" series ("True Detective"), Emma Stone and Jonah Hill sit face to face, silent. This is not the usual festive image in which both were still in "Superbad" more than a decade ago. The new project of the two actors looks more seriously at the preview (the series itself but certainly also offers bitter humor). As Annie Landsberg, who is obsessed with breaking up her relationship with her mother and sister, and Owen Milgrim, who has been confronted with a controversial diagnosis of schizophrenia all his life, they are undergoing a new method of radical treatment. James K. Mantleray (Justin Theroux). This should have the answers to all the questions with some pills. But the treatment does not go as planned …
Things have changed a lot since Greg Mottola's "Superbad" comedy: Emma Stone made her film debut alongside Jonah Hill in 2007. Today Now, she is an Oscar winner. For her performance, the 29-year-old was honored ten years after the start of her film career as best actress in "La La Land". Meanwhile, Jonah Hill has been nominated twice for the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor ("The Wolf of Wall Street", "The Art of Winning – Moneyball"). The 34-year-old has not only changed a lot visually, but also professionally: he is coming out this year with the early-twentieth-century drama "Mid-90s" his first work as a director.
In "Maniac" are Jonah Hill and Emma Stone since "Superbad" the first time together again in front of the camera. Starting September 21, 2018, the series will be available worldwide on Netflix.
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