Swisscom pays the salt CHF 20 & # 39; 000


The mobile service provider Salt sounds the alarm at the end of March: The number three in Switzerland receives indications that the competitor Swisscom is preparing a presentation with false allegations on Salt. He indicates that Salt does not pay taxes in Switzerland. In addition, the company should generate an operating profit margin of 49%, distribute half a billion francs in dividends and systematically transfer jobs from Switzerland to France.

The information contained in the presentation would be based on a report from the NZZ and a blog entry in French. Salt is owned by the French entrepreneur Xavier Niel.

Salt fears that Swisscom will represent other suppliers and their shareholders as profiteers in their lobbying.

The Salt officials notice that there are two important companies. For late May or early June, it is expected that the Federal Communications Commission will determine the procedure for awarding the new 5G mobile communication standard. In addition, the political agenda provides that the members of the National Telecommunications Council Commission in the summer on the revision of the Telecommunications Act. The salt fears that Swisscom will lobby, the other suppliers and their shareholders do not take advantage of Switzerland's interests, because the small mobile operator is at stake: in the saturated sector of Swiss telecoms, Salt struggles to gain share market. the economic right to exist. Therefore, the course of the future must be skillfully defined.

At 5G Salt advocates that the regulatory authority allocate frequencies to existing mobile network providers. The regulator prefers an auction. In such a case, Salt is at a disadvantage compared to Swisscom, which is financially sound. As part of the revision of the Telecommunications Act, the Federal Council is offering Swisscom's competitors access to the optical fiber network of public companies.

Salt sends a warning to Swisscom

To issue a warning at the beginning of April. Sender is the Zurich law firm Bratschi. Attached is a statement of distance and omission. In this Salt invites the competitor with reference to the Federal Law against unfair competition to immediately renounce the aforementioned declarations on tax policy, dividends, profit margin and jobs. This also applies to documents and presentations. If Swisscom violates these conditions, it will have to pay a fine of CHF 20,000 per offense.

The market leader will have two days to sign and return the return. Salt threatens to file a complaint if the blue giant rejects the offer. The law firm Bratschi receives the signed declaration, dated April 6, with two signatures of Swisscom's legal advisers. That is why the wonder at Salt must be astonished when a member of the Swisscom Executive Board repeats the statements criticized early in June. According to these articles, Heinz Herren, head of infrastructure and networks. The occasion is a hearing of the supervision of the 5G award procedure. In addition to Heinz Herren and Olaf Swantee, CEO of Sunrise, representatives of Salt and the Federal Office of Communications are also present.

In a letter dated June 11, the law firm Bratschi asks Swisscom to transfer 20,000 francs and correct the alleged statements of all those present at the hearing. Once again, Salt threatens Swisscom not to yield.

Member of the Management Board of Swisscom twice after

According to the information, the number 1 operator in the Swiss telephony market paid the amount. The documents also show that Swisscom has corrected the allegations concerning Salt in its letter to the supervisory authority, the head of Sunrise and the Federal Office of Communications. Upon request, participants are taciturn. Salt does not want to confirm or deny events. Even Swisscom does not comment on this.

The question of whether skirmishes paid off is debatable. In early July, the Telecommunications Committee postponed its decision on the access of competitors to the Swisscom network. At 5G, the regulator decided last week that the frequencies would be auctioned in early 2019. Swisscom and Salt are therefore less satisfied. The market leader criticizes the imposed auction restrictions. Salt criticized the conditions of the auction that Swisscom preferred.


created: 13.07.2018, 22:55

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