Switzerland has the mouse pointer in front of


Through technological change, more than 3% of new jobs will be created in Switzerland by 2030 by 2030. According to a new study by the consulting firm EY, regions and industries nevertheless derive very different benefits

Stefan Borkert

  The digitization of jobs is progressing inexorably. There will be winners and losers. (Photo: Getty)

The digitization of jobs is progressing inexorably. There will be winners and losers. (Photo: Getty)

Although people talk about digitization on a daily basis, their impact on the world of work is fraught with hesitation. "The possibilities for the economy and society seem limitless," says the current study on the changing world of work through the digitization of the consulting firm EY, formerly Ernst and Young.

Forecasts of employment development included factors such as the share of selected sectors in gross domestic product, per capita income, exports, and the availability of natural resources. "The future of work will produce winners and losers.It will be important to prepare employees for this development and give them today the skills they will need in the future," says Gerard. Osei-Bonsu, senior adviser at EY and since the beginning of the month member of the board of EY Switzerland. "I do not think that the digital transformation is underestimated," he continues. SMEs, is more likely to lack clear guidelines, and EY spokesperson Tristan Hahn adds: "Challenges will arise in the regions of Eastern Switzerland and Central Switzerland, particularly in automotive and mechanical engineering, while the chemical industry and Osei-Bonsu says that industries forecasting rather low growth rates should expand their business models with intersectoral capabilities. "For example, an automotive supplier can gain a foothold in the IT sector by offering new services based on existing skills.

In the future, almost all employees will be involved in IT. and job profiles, which were more likely to be found in tech giants such as Google, would also appear in the future in other economic sectors, Hahn said. Switzerland has clearly the best maps here, like its neighbors Germany and Austria.

Half a million new jobs are possible

According to Osei Bonsu, more than half of the hand Local work already works in knowledge-intensive jobs.This adds the high proportion of well-educated outsiders.The study on the future of work in Switzerland in a baseline scenario with an annual increase of 3.3 for This growth will occur mainly in the Basel, Zurich and Geneva regions. In particular, the IT, finance, real estate and life sciences sectors would offer more jobs. While automotive suppliers and other industrial firms will have fewer employees

the baseline scenario could result in a total of 317,000 jobs by 2030. Osei-Bonsu is convinced that, given the effects exceptionally positive digitization and artificial intelligence, as well as the creation of a conducive policy environment, more than 500,000 additional jobs would be possible.

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