That's how we protect ourselves without a chemistry club


<p class = "web-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = " Who does not? do not like to picnic on a meadow in the summer or walk in a romantic forest, but that's exactly where the unloved ticks hide, so here's the best advice against pests! "data-reactid = "31"> do not like picnicking in a meadow in summer or walking in a romantic forest? But it's exactly here that the unloved ticks are hiding. Here are the best tips against pests!

The winter was mild, the hot spring and the summer of 2018 promises to be particularly hot. But not only sun worshipers are happy with the weather. The "vulgar wood" – better known as tick – happily rubs the spider's legs and sits hungry in the grass and in the so-called shrub view, so in 50 to 100 cm of height, where the weather is nice and shady a bit damp. However, arachnids avoid direct sunlight, which is why they are often found in the forest. But also in other places in the center of the city, ticks can hide, for example in the backyards. In the end, they are where potential hosts are on the road – we are.

It is well known that ticks can transmit viruses that can trigger dangerous diseases such as tick-borne encephalitis and Lyme disease. Against the TBE, you can get vaccinated, which is particularly recommended for hikers and travelers who wish to settle in a risk area. However, there is no vaccine against Lyme disease and in some areas almost half of all ticks carry these viruses

<p class = "web-atom-canvas-text Mb (0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm "type =" text "content =" Anti-Tick Remedies Even Without Chemicals "data-reactid =" 34 "> Anti-Tick Remedies Even Without Chemicals

Many suppliers sell anti-mosquito – sprays that can also help against ticks. Against which animals the funds help, lies on the package. However, sprays often contain pesticides and chemical agents such as DEET or Icaridine, which should keep parasites away from odors, but irritate the mucous membranes and the airways and even get into the bloodstream.

Citriodiol natural ingredient, for example, is derived from lemon eucalyptus and also restores ticks by unpleasant odor to animals.

Many also swear on household remedies without chemicals such as black cumin oil or coconut oil. Black cumin oil became popular as an anti-tick medicine in 2014, after an 18-year-old Bavarian student presented an experience at "Jugend forscht". His thesis: black cumin oil, which has been applied to dogs, protects animals from tick bites. He was third in the competition with his attempt. Black cumin oil should not only keep ticks, but also mosquitoes and fleas.

Coconut oil is supposed to keep ticks away. (Photo: Getty Images)

The queens of beauty, in particular, swear by coconut oil to defend themselves against ticks. The oil contains up to 60% lauric acid – a substance that ticks try to avoid. Even if they bite, they would fall off themselves shortly thereafter. Conveniently, coconut oil takes care of the skin and hair at the same time. However, the effect of black cumin oil and coconut oil is still not scientifically recognized.

Ticks look for bare skin when they are stripped and taken away by an owner. The best cure for the common goat is therefore: solid clothes. Long pants are mandatory when they enter the undergrowth. In addition, it is advisable to put the pants in the socks, so that the critters can not slip into the legs of the pants

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If so Sometimes they crawl on their skin for a moment to find a good place for their blood meal. They prefer a thin and warm skin. Therefore, it is important to thoroughly search the body when you are back home. Especially under the arms, at the back of the knees, on the neck, head and in the genital area, the animals can squat.

If a tick is already bitten, it must be removed quickly. While infected animals rapidly transmit TBE virus after the first bite, Lyme disease transmission lasts at least 24 hours. If, after the tick bite, a so-called "walking" redness sets in, that is to say that a red circle forms around the puncture site, which expands, a doctor is absolutely necessary.

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