The big winner of the World Cup is Vladimir Putin


Vladimir Putin was probably the master of the World Cup. Image: AP / AP

The big winner of the World Cup is Vladimir Putin

World Cup could positively change Russia, he said in the
Advance. In the end, he came, how he should come: The tournament proved
like a grand PR show for Putin's system.

A scene at the very end
Ende said just about everything about the World Cup
in Russia. As at the awards ceremony after the final
Luschniki Moscow Stadium began pouring buckets
just for an immediate umbrella on the spot: Vladimir Putin. He stood
in the sec, while the other dignitaries were soaked in no time.

Even the
Croatian President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic was not directly
Gentleman left in the rain. It can not be better
express who not only the last day but throughout the whole
The tournaments was the main character. Putin was very happy
retained. He was only in the opening and the final in the
Stadium appeared. Even the perfection of Russian
The national team could not move him to visit

The best photos of the 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia

The President must
just govern, he said of the Kremlin. An intelligent strategy
Figure of Stimulus Vladimir Putin entered
during the 31-day show in
the bottom
and left the scene for the Russian people. this
showed his best side. Rapporteurs and fans
were very impressed by the kindness of the Russians and
impeccable organization.

"The Russians were good hosts"

The two are not
of course in a country outside the metropolis
many things are reminiscent of the Soviet era. SRF commentator Sascha
In any case, Ruefer could hardly find his way during the finals
Enthusiasm: "The Russians were good hosts, they have a lot
Prejudices invalidated, bravo. "The" Putin-Hearers "become
I heard it with joy.

But the
Russian World Cup success in a positive direction change

In the race were
corresponding hopes expressed. In provincial towns, they too
Live decades after the disappearance of the Soviet Union,
Sonicated by state television loyal to the Kremlin "," millions of good-natured foreigners "will suddenly appear, as reported in the" Tages-Anzeiger. "If Russians and Europeans after the games
They would quickly realize that "the world is not
as black and white as propaganda ".

Up here the beautiful
Idea. However, no "million" has come to Russia. Mostly
from Europe closer has come a lot less fans than from the
Far-Central and South America. Why is this strange
Mismatch? Fan ID, after all, visa-free entry
enabled? On the prejudices against Eastern Europe? Or to the negative image of Russia because of its
aggressive foreign policy and its shameless interference in
democratic processes?

"A section of reality"

Conversely, the
West in Russia sometimes as hostile and then still decadent
and sentenced to loss. in
In some cases, the World Cup may have contributed to such stereotypes
overcome. But you can not wait for a fundamental change
this country is too big for that. Even in Rostov or Saransk, it was
World Cup events in a manageable area between the city center
and limited stage.

"The fans and the
only for a short time in Russia World Cup journalists work have a
Exceptional location, they only have one part of the
seen in Russian reality ", commented on the previous
Correspondent of Deutschlandradio in Moscow
. For the NZZ this is
not obvious, "why Russia in total through this World Cup
should change permanently "

"There are many injustices"

The beautiful images
of Russia does not deceive the fact that the
Lock screw is more likely to be tightened. The law, that
class foreign media as "agents"
The journalists are extended. And in the case of Ukrainian
Director Oleg Senzow, who was imprisoned in a prison camp for four years for "terrorist suspicion" and himself
has been on a hunger strike for more than 60 days, the government has revealed

Oleg Senzow went on a hunger strike for more than 60 days Image: AP / AP

As President of FIFA
Gianni Infantino, who called the tournament in Russia "the best World Cup
History, "boasted at his Friday press conference on the
The situation of human rights was addressed
he said only, there was
Injustice ". But it's not just in a region or
a country "but in the whole world". That's how you can do it
see also

Vladimir Putin can be satisfied. The World Cup became what he hoped for. A great show
in their own right. Whether in the long term to an opening of the country
will have to show. However we can sport events
Do not expect too much.

Millions of Russians are fighting against the ban on the application Telegram

Video: srf

2018 Football World Cup in Russia

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