The cinematic experience now also aside: The group "Arena Cinemas" presents ScreenX


To date, a new technology can be admired in three cinemas in Switzerland. In so-called ScreenX rooms is now also projected on the left and right of the screen.

"Boys do not go to movies anymore, but watch movies mainly at home on Netflix." A sentence that we hear from time to time from the cinema operators. Is classic cinema obsolete? Do you have to offer the boy more than showing a movie on a screen? The last question has been answered by the arena cinemas in the last few years with a clear "yes". Because the film channel was the first to present 4DX cinemas in Switzerland, has introduced the first LED cinema screen in the world and now brings us a new innovation with ScreenX.

What is ScreenX Anyway?

ScreenX is a new technology that projects not only on a screen in front, but also with four additional projectors on the screens on the left and right of it. The viewer receives a 270 degree visual experience. The Arena group presents this novelty in one hall each in its multiplexes in Friborg, Geneva and Zurich. In Zurich, the ScreenX is in Hall 7.

But how is this supposed to work?

The films have not really been made for this format until now. An exception is the Zombie Actioner Train to Busan shot with ScreenX in mind. This resulted in an aspect ratio of 5.95: 1 in participating cinemas (usually 1.85: 1 and 2.35: 1). In fact, the technology has not really been applied since. But the Motion Cinema Association has done its part, allowing Hollywood blockbusters to work on the ScreenX experience. Right now, this is done well in post-production, where people can ideally work with ScreenX with additional footage delivered. One of these blockbusters is Ant-Man and the Wasp which is also shown accordingly in the three halls of the arena. However, you will not see the entire movie in 270 degrees. Only the selected scenes (especially the action sequences) were spicy.

Our test

We were able to test the ScreenX during the official presentation at the Zurich Arena. TV spots were broadcast on Ant-Man and Wasp (see above) and Black Panther as well as a five-minute sequence of Pirates of Caribbean: Salazar & # 39; s Revenge We noticed that the image on the side screens, which are not white but dark green, was darker than that on the "classic screen". In conversation with the technical direction, we learned that it was intentional. The focus should continue to be on the screen in the face. The side screens are meant to help you better immerse yourself in the movie. However, do not focus too much on what is left and right. If you also try to get the same picture brightness everywhere, the image on the front screen will become too bright at the intersections.

We were 100% convinced that we were not primarily because of the brightness of the different image. In order to make a final judgment, one would have to see an entire movie and dive in and watch less "gwundrig" left and right. In the beginning week in Zurich is now still at 21:00 Ant-Man and the Wasp in ScreenX format. The following films, which make use of technology and are also shown in Switzerland, are The Meg (August 9, 2018), The Nun (September 6, 2018) and Aquaman (December 20, 2018).

Source: OutNow.CH

26.07.2018 18:50 / crs

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