The daughter of Ewan McGregor: "The news of Dad is a piece of land – people


Pain speaks louder than the mind

The separation of their parents weighs heavily on Clara McGregor (21). She has now shared on Instagram painful against her father's news.

Mary Elizabeth Winstead (33) had met Ewan McGregor (age 47) on the set of the "Fargo" series – which at the time was still married to Eve, the mother of her four daughters. After the breakup, photos of him and Winstead appeared in October 2017, and shortly thereafter he filed for divorce

<img class = "zoomable ondemand photo" src = "data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAP // / yH5BAEAAAAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7 "data-src =",w1280,c=0.bild.jpg "width =" 1280 "alt =" Clara McGregor and Papa Ewan "data-zoom-title =" Clara McGregor and Papa Ewan at a party in New York in April

Photo: Agency People Image

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Clara McGregor and Papa Ewan at a party in New York in April Photo: Agency People Image

All this goes on in the depths of McGregor's daughters – Clara gets carried away by a poisoned comment. In Mary Elizabeth Winstead's fan account profile description: "The most beautiful and talented woman on earth – Clara does not go at all."

"The most beautiful and talented woman on the planet? Oh man, you do not have them all.The woman is a piece of junk." Behind her a smiley and an "x", this which means something like a peck and in this case is rather reconciling addressed to fans and not Mary Elizabeth Winstead applies.


Clara's comment made for a discussion about the profile, at the index of a reader Clara responds: "Jap, there are two to blame Mary and my father. "Ouch.


McGregors' divorce has continued since this year – and the victims are apparently their daughters Esther Rose McGregor, Clara Mathilde McGregor, Jamyan McGregor (age 16) and Anouk McGregor (age 7). ] In May, Clara graduated from college and still poses with her parents, wrote under the post: "I did it.Thank you to my wonderful parents who made my education possible.I am very grateful for this experience.And this is the last time I wear purple. "

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