The director of the Assassin & # 39; s Creed Odyssey game talks about his expectations


  PS5 and Next Xbox: The director of the game Assassin's Creed Odyssey talks about his expectations

In about two years, new generation consoles could be launched. In a recent interview, game director Scott Phillips, head of "Assassin's Creed Odyssey," talked about his expectations.

In the recent E3 2018, new generation consoles have not been a major topic, although the initial plans for the new hardware have already been confirmed – including The Elder Scrolls 6

But what about Are waiting for developers and publishers? the PlayStation 5 and the next Xbox? Ubisoft's EPP, Lionel Raynaud, recently had the idea that with the new material of "Assassin's Creed", several eras could be grouped into one game. Between them, you can come and go through the animus.

Game Manager Scott Phillips, who is responsible for "Assassin's Creed Odyssey," still has another Ubisoft partner on the consoles of the future. His desires are less in the direction of a more powerful material, because he's probably taking them for granted. Instead, he was referring to the importance of connectivity

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In terms of his greater expectation, Phillips said, "Plus, more of everything, I think connected features will continue to be important as you go. as new players connect and want to be connected to their friends, the sharing button and that sort of thing will be more important, that's why things like photo mode for Assassin's Creed Odyssey are coming back. "

" We want to interact with the community and hope that Platforms continue to allow this, "he said. According to previous rumors, the new generation of consoles could be launched in 2020. Just a few days ago, analyst Michael Pachter spoke of the assumption that Microsoft would like to visit Sony before launch.

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