The fear of school: Brigitte Nielsen does not want to be considered a grandmother


This was probably the ultimate pregnancy shot: at the age of 54, Brigitte Nielsen (55) gave birth to a little girl with her husband Mattia Dessi (39) in June . However, this baby news is not just made for enthusiasm – many people have found: For a newborn, the blond boy is just too old. Although Brigitte still enjoys the death of Mama, she admits now: She is a little afraid of important milestones in the life of her offspring!

When Frida enlisted, she becomes Brigitte is already in her late fifties – and this makes her puzzled. So much so that she has already made a very clear decision about her appearance at school: she will not let herself be seen! "I will not take her to school when the time comes, I will ask my husband to do it because I do not want people to say," Does your grandmother mother takes you to school? " Brigitte interview with people ." I do not want her to feel bad! "

Those who now believe that the 55-year-old expressed doubts about late parenting are wrong: "Some women think:" Oh my God, I'm too old! Well, yes, I can understand that when people say, "How can they do it?", Admitted the ex-queen of the jungle, but also confirmed: "But how many are there?" men have their first children 60 or 70 years old? would never doubt it? " Brigitte understands that some people are skeptical, but ultimately it's their life

  Brigitte Nielsen with her daughter Frida Instagram / realbrigittenielsen
Brigitte Nielsen with her daughter Frida [19659009] Advertisement

  Mattia Dessi and Brigitte Nielsen at an event in Los Angeles Sheri Determan /

Mattia Dessi and Brigitte Nielsen at an event in Los Angeles
  Brigitte Nielsen RTL II

Brigitte Nielsen

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