The Fiat Chrysler leader was considered a visionary and philosopher


Sergio Marchionne did not reach his ultimate goal: he wanted to make Fiat's auto industry Apple. Nevertheless, the top international manager did the group's story – not just because of the dramatic end of his career.

By Lena Klimkeit

Suddenly, his notorious senior managerial qualities faded and the human Sergio Marchionne became visible – after all. A few days before his death was announced Wednesday, the Italian-Canadian was honored, as a visionary, as a philosopher. Like someone who listens and who is generous. Previously, the former head of the Italian-American car manufacturer Fiat Chrysler (FCA) and the Ferrari girl for his uncompromising and sometimes ruthless ambition were known. That just a serious illness marked his retirement, shocked the business world. Marchionne was 66 years old

The normal departure of the Fiat boss was actually planned, with a goal in the bag that was so important for the Italian with a Canadian passport. By the end of June, Marchionne had declared Fiat Chrysler's freedom and wanted to leave the company in 2019.

In 2004, Marchionne came to the turbulent conglomerate of Turin and completely reorganized the company. It has reduced bureaucracy and halved the time to develop new models. In 2007, he said: "I want Fiat to become the apple of cars. And the 500 will be our iPod. "It has not gone that far, but the merger with Chrysler in 2014 is one of its greatest achievements.It manages to turn the two hard-hit companies Fiat and Chrysler into a global player in the world." 39, car industry

Born in Abruzzo in 1952, Marchionne emigrated to Canada with his family at the age of 14. There, he studied philosophy and economics as well as law. Before joining Fiat, he worked for packaging companies and became head of a Geneva testing company.

His proverbial proverbs have always been good for news throughout his career. the allegations were raised, even Fiat cheated on emissions. "Marchionne said about VW:" Who compares us to the German company, something smoked illegal. "Even with Ferrari, which he was the president in 2014 and his CEO in 2016, he was known for that. clarified before introducing a race car to his engineers and team director Maurizio Arrivabene: "Either they built a monster or trash."

You have to work to succeed day after day.

felt by the Formula 1 driver Sebastian Vettel, that he had publicly criticized several times clearly. About the chief driver of the Marchionne Scuderia said: If Vettel manages to control his emotions, which would escape him – atypically for a German – from time to time, you have the chance to beat Lewis Hamilton.

In Formula 1 the President and CEO of Ferrari anyway as a trading partner. Marchionne also threatened the exit of Ferrari. He wanted to prevent Formula 1 from changing the DNA of the company. But it is also thanks to Marchionne that Ferrari has caught up.

The trademark was Marchionne's dark knitted sweater, which he wore better than suits. Some commentators have even called it a style icon. "The day I wear a tie, we will be a beautiful day," he said one day. In June, Marchionne announced that it had sold Fiat Chrysler out of its debts. For Marchionne, who describes himself as down to earth, success is not self-evident, and above all, he does not see it as permanent, but as something to be developed day by day.

His character of someone who has never had status The latter had accepted and never been satisfied with a "good enough", had entered the culture of & dquo; Fiat Chrysler company, said Fiat President and Ferrari John Elkann shortly before the death of Marchionnes. Marchionne had been a former "enlightened" director, but a true friend to him personally.

Former Prime Minister Matteo Renzi pointed out as someone who "changed the industrial history of Italy – whether it suits his slanders or not." ". At the same time Renzi recalled the fighting that Marchionne had fought with the unions. "If Italy still had some markets, we would have a competitive Alitalia and some strong banks that would have their place in the world." (Dpa)

Marchionne was also the boss of Ferrari. | Photo: AFP
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