The former boss of VW has moved millions to Switzerland


Other allegations against former VW chief, Martin Winterkorn: The prosecutor is investigating the possibly unpaid taxes. The "Bild am Sonntag" quotes the investigation files – among other things, it is about a transfer of about ten million euros to the Swiss accounts during the last two years. The existence and content of the DPA news agency were confirmed Sunday.

Tax investigations had nothing to do with the allegations in the exhaust gas scandal, Winterkorn's lawyer Felix Dörr said Sunday. Dörr goes even further: he is examining a lawsuit against the prosecutor's office in Braunschweig: "We plan to lay criminal charges for misappropriation of business secrets."

A spokesman for the prosecution said to Bild am Sonntag: We will not comment on the results after the end of the investigation. The authorities were not able to comment on the weekend.

The tax procedure began in 2017 with investigations by the Public Prosecutor's Office of Munich on suspicions of money laundering. She received a note from the Winterkorn bank. A normal process, with high transfers, financial institutions are even obliged to do so. As investigators suspected a connection with the VW diesel scandal, took over the Braunschweig prosecutor's process and added the five tax files to the diesel files (Blick reported).

No tax on donations paid?

In the diesel The investigation files can now be read, which apparently happened with the millions of Winterkorn: in 2016 and 2017, Winterkorn had transferred significant amounts from one of his accounts to Sparda Bank Nuremberg to a trust account of its tax advisor. From there, money flowed into the deposits of the Vontobel bank in Zurich. Among them was a depot, which was assigned to the wife of Winterkorn. Investigators suspect that part of the transfers was a donation that would have cost more than half a million euros in tax on donations.

In a note, the prosecution noted that Winterkorn was likely to transfer assets in Switzerland. "There is a note in the files that this could be an" egg nest "Winterkorn.It is absolute nonsense," says lawyer Dörr. Winterkorn diesel case threatening VW claims for damages, should be proven duty violations.

"Legally completely in order"

At tax allegations, lawyer Dörr says it's very personal decision from Winterkorn, where and by whom to handle money.A money transfer from a German bank to Switzerland was lawfully in order. "According to the assessment of Mr. Winterkorn's tax advisor , this process is free from any tax complaint, "said the lawyer of the former head of VW.

The bank Vontobel stressed on Sunday, that they comply with all legal provisions. Swiss laws did not allow him to comment on existing or non-existent account details. "In addition, we underline the automatic exchange of information on financial accounts between Switzerland and Germany since 2018, with which total transparency has been created. "

A lawyer hides an infamous detail about his client , says the lawyer Dörr Only by a request of the "Bild am Sonntag" learn: "We were surprised by the tax investigations themselves. The prosecution gave us no indication. In the current proceedings, the exhaust gas scandal, against Winterkorn, as well as against the new CEO of VW, Herbert Diess and the Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Hans Dieter. Pötsch determined because of the possible market manipulation, against the winter grain further because of fraud. (SDA)

Posted on 29.07.2018 | Updated at 23:37

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