The former boss of VW Winterkorn: investigations for tax evasion


Klaus Ziehe, spokesman for Prosecutor Braunschweig, told Winterkorn's tax investigations the "Bild am Sonntag": "We will comment on the results after the conclusion of the investigation, not before." On weekends, the authority for a notice not reachable. "The Brunswick prosecutor has to explain the deep meaning of the procedure," Dörr says. Information on personal financial circumstances and tax issues had nothing to do with the records of the exhaust gas investigations. Detailed statements of credit cards, bank statements and bank statements from Mr. Winterkorn are now on the shelves of 39 lawyers accused of investigating the exhaust gases. The private assets of Mr. Winterkorn have nothing to do with the procedure, "says the lawyer. With regard to the investigation records, "Bild am Sonntag" describes in detail the individual purchases of winter cereals, premiums and transfers to family members.

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