The Millers talk about the death of their daughter († 1)


Drowning is the leading cause of death for children one to four years: The Millers want to warn other families after the death of their daughter

On June 10, the daughter of Ex-ski drowns Star Bode Miller and his wife Morgan in a pool. Now, they talk about it, to warn other families, so that the same fate be spared.

Bode Miller and Morgan gave Monday for the first time since the accidental death of their only 19-month-old daughter, Emeline, a very moving interview. In the morning they had been at a birthday party, the afternoon spent Morgan and his daughter Emeline with the grandparents. Then they went home, said Morgan, to say goodbye to Bode, who drove his eldest daughter to a softball game. He loaded the car when we came back and I kissed him. Suddenly, Emmy appeared and gave him another kiss. This amused us because it was not something that she usually did. So I kissed Bode again and she did it again and we all laughed. After that, I turned around, I went into the house with her and she said goodbye to her father, "says Morgan, the American television channel" NBC "

then she went to see their neighbors with their Children had often played one with the other, Morgan was drinking their tea Emeline had always kept in mind that she had never been to more than seven or eight meters "But suddenly it was calm, much too calm. I got up and went to see the other children and asked them, "Where's Emmy?" Before anyone could answer, she knew what was going on. She had turned her head toward the garden gate that was open that day, unlike a crack. "My heart slipped, and I ran to the pool and I saw Emmy float in the water." Morgan jumped into the water, but all the help came too late. Emeline drowned in the pool and could not be resurrected.

"Prevent Accident Accidents"

Bode Miller says with a heavy heart that they have learned that drowning is the leading cause of death among children from one to four years old. "But no one ever told me that, not at a single visit to the pediatrician." That's why the Millers want to alert other parents of the deadly danger. Bode says, "It's not easy to talk about this situation, but it helps a little in the healing process, I think, that we can help prevent similar accidents."

Morgan is also plagued by guilt: "Guilt is an extremely painful feeling, I pray for it to be easier, but until then, I want to make sure that it does not will never happen again. " Her three older children sent the Miller to prevention classes and built a fence around the pool. The children would also help them to treat the loss. "When they talk about Emmy and tell their stories, they all laugh at their faces," says Morgan. She herself is close to tears at that moment. And the children "remind us that we are still here and that we must be grateful for it."

Deep mourning during pregnancy

In the fall, Morgan and Bode wait for another child. In the present circumstances, everything but a simple situation, as Morgan describes it in an interview: "I kept asking myself, how can I bring another child into the world where one of my children does not? is more?" Emmy was so eager to become a big sister. "She was walking with her doll all the time. That's why we now have the opportunity to get not just a baby for us, but also one for Emmy."

Video: Interview of Bode and Morgan Miller on "NBC News"

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