The most beautiful pictures of the 41st birthday of the Crown Princess


Every year, it is a big event: On July 14, the Crown Princess celebrates his birthday on the Baltic island of Öland. This year, she turned 41 and the royal family reunited. See the most beautiful pictures here.

On her day of honor, all eyes were on Victoria of Sweden. After all, even a noble woman is not 41 years old every day. As every year at the royal summer residence Schloss Solliden was celebrated. With Crown Prince Daniel, Crown Princess Victoria celebrated the celebrations. Also present were their parents, King Carl Gustaf and Queen Silvia, as well as Prince Carl Philip and Sofia of Sweden and Madeleine of Sweden with her husband Chris O'Neill

At the same time, thousands of fans were flocking at the castle park to celebrate the anniversary of the heir. be there. But even though Crown Princess Victoria was at the center of the celebrations, her other two family members stole the show: Estelle and Oscar! The Mini-Royals once again made for a smile.

You can see the most beautiful pictures of the Royal Sause in our gallery of images.

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