The new coach of Eintracht Frankfurt


A di Hütter is a whistle man. If the new coach of Frankfurt Eintracht wants it, he can also "whistle between the fingers" to make his voice heard. Nevertheless, a whistle is heard at every workout around the 48-year-old Austrian's neck. This signal is new for Frankfurt's football professionals. Also for David Abraham, who received a special and very personal mark from the football teacher at the training camp in the United States. Argentina remains under Captain Hütter. In the pre-season, the center defender was vice-captain, but because Alexander Meier was injured, Abraham slipped into the role of team captain.

Hütter quickly recorded how well the defender is respected with his colleagues. In addition, the coach impresses with the attitude of Abraham, who is a passionate champion on the field. And this has also pleaded for a leading role for the defensive player in the future: when Hütter was at FC Basel in the 2011/2012 season, he was impressed by the big place of the Argentine in the team. Fast and unthinking decisions do not strike Chef Hütter.

Behavior of the squad members

The training camp on the other side of the Atlantic, which will end for the Hessians after a good week with the return to Frankfurt on Monday, Hütter also used to get to know each player better. Not only on the athletic side, but also on the personality. The coach conducted individual discussions and also examined the behavior of team members in the group on and off the field. Conversely, professionals from Eintracht were also able to get a better idea of ​​their new superior.

He knows what he wants and what he wants to accomplish. His great ambition is well known in Switzerland, where he brought Young Boys Bern back to the championship after 32 years. Nevertheless, Hütter is not as relentless and relentless as his successful and ambitious predecessor in Frankfurt, Niko Kovac. The Austrians are therefore more accessible, he also cultivates respect, radiates calm and teaches everyone to have an open ear for him. Hütter is calculable in a positive sense. A "touching" coach – sports director Fredi Bobic put Hütter's personality at the top. In training sessions, the coach squeezes his players, pats them on the back or seeks short conversation.

The mix does it for him

All these qualities of Hütter do not change the fact that he is very bossy and requires a lot of his employees. The consistent action belongs to him too. Being a person of natural authority is important to him. With him, it's the mix. Under Hütter's direction, it is becoming more and more common.

The Austrian, who met the Philadelphia MLS club with his team in the last Sunday friendly in the United States, also has a different philosophy than Kovac. Hütter attaches great importance to offensive play. The "fast switching game" is his affair of the heart, meticulously, he now brings his ideas to the team. "Defending forward, pressing and back-pressure – with us, he was early in preparation in the field of tactics gone," said defensive player Jetro Willems. Hütter has his own "style". Whoever comes to his players because "the ball is still there". Compared to the last round, the test sessions are shorter for the Austrian – the standard value is one hour and 20 minutes – but more intense, so that nothing serious n '. changed under the line.

Hütter had remarked very early that he would suffer this form of preparation "hard as hell". At the training, the Austrian takes on different roles and positions. From time to time, he is "only" the quiet observer from the outside, who leaves the announcements to his two assistant coaches, Christian Peintinger and Armin Reutershahn. However, Hütter more often leads the command himself, he interrupts the training, improves and clearly gives the players his point of view

Stable team structure

Hütter recalls to the Danny da Costa's right-back from his former Bayer Leverkusen coach, Roger Schmidt, "We want to get the ball back quickly, I know that by Roger Schmidt, it's the same school," Costa says. Like Schmidt, Hütter was under contract with RB Salzburg. Today, Schmidt is active in China and Hütter realizes his dream of working in the Bundesliga. It all starts with a difficult start: after the departure of the sports leader Kevin-Prince Boateng in Italy and Lukas Hradecky in Bayer Leverkusen – but due to an operation of the jaw, the Finn has to wait a few weeks to complete a new hierarchy in the team. Until now, Eintracht has reported six newcomers, with others to follow

A stable team structure must emerge as quickly as possible, even in case of setbacks. For the necessary cohesion, Abraham wants to provide his experience and his authority. His coach Hütter has already received the signal from Bobic to be able to count on the support of the sports director, even in difficult times. In Frankfurt, the Austrian should have time to shape things according to his ideas.

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