The Shadow of the Earth Plunges Full Moon in the Darkness of the Century – News Knowledge: Nature


A record eclipse beats its shadow: the night sky of the summer, the night sky can witness the longest lunar eclipse of the 21st century. The full moon will then plunge into the shadow of the earth for nearly two hours before midnight and turn a spectacular coppery red. As a reminder, the heavenly spectacle is joined by the currently extremely bright planet Mars.

The rare lunar eclipse will take a total of 103 minutes, according to the German Aerospace Center (DLR). It will not be until June 9, 2123, that there will be a lunar eclipse of three minutes. And it is not until the New Year 2028 that a lunar eclipse will be exhibited in Central Europe – as it is the case now – in its full course.
Eclipses are the result of the celestial play of the sun, the moon and the earth.

Copper-red to orange-red moon

In a lunar eclipse, the earth stands on a straight line between the sun and the moon. the shadow as the sunlit earth throws in the space.
In a total lunar eclipse, the moon is not completely black, but it shines from coppery orange to orange. This phenomenon is caused by the refraction of sunlight into the Earth 's atmosphere, where the long – wave reddish residual light is directed towards the heart' s shadow.

The more the observer is in the east, the sooner the moon will rise. In any case, according to experts, it is essential to look for a place of observation with a breathtaking view of the southeast. The lunar eclipse can be observed even better with a binocular.

That a lunar eclipse does not always occur at full moon is due to the slight inclination of the lunar orbit against the ecliptic – the plane of the Earth's orbit. Because of this inclination of about five degrees, the moon moves in its orbit around the earth, usually above or below the Earth's shadow

The Devouring Dragon 39; orb

one of the two intersections of the lunar orbital plane, it is detected by the shadow of the Earth. These intersections are also called dragon points – following Chinese mythology: At the sight of darkness, people of ancient China believed that a heavenly dragon was devouring the orb.

Another mythological figure plays the second major role in the opulent Friday night production. The nearby planet Mars, named after the Roman god of war, is currently as close to Earth as it has been in 15 years. Therefore, the red planet shines even more than the giant planet Jupiter for once. At MoFi, Mars is only six degrees below the moon. (mch / afp)

created: 24.07.2018, 18:07

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