The summer update brings 4K support for Xbox One X.


The main life cycle of Battlefield 1 is coming to an end. One of the last major updates, however, brings a big change for Xbox One X owners : Battlefield 1 finally gets 4K support on the Microsoft console.

DICE Introduced the summer update on July 31, 2018, from 10:00 pm to 11:00 pm CET at Livestream . You can watch the developer's presentation on Twitch, or right here in the built-in player.

In the stream, DICE can also call the release date of the patch which is not yet known. The summer update should be the last big patch for the World War I shooter before the liberation of Battlefield V in October .

Free Apocalypse until August 7

From July 31 to August 7, the latest add-on Apocalypse is available for Battlefield 1 free of charge .

] The extension was released for the shooter end of February and also introduced five [Airborne] mode of combat with . [196904]

Source: Battlefield Bulletin

Battlefield V is available for purchase on PC, Playstation 4, and Xbox One from Oct 19 2018 and also appears as a luxury edition

About the author: Alexander Schneider is junior editor at the IGN. You can follow him on Twitter and Instagram: @ JannLee360.

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