The sunburn is a no-go! |


A doctor warns of the effects of too much sunbathing and explains how to protect oneself.

For hours, the skin is exposed to the sun every day during the summer and holidays, especially the first days in the southern countries. "The sun protection factor 30 to 50 protects against skin cancer," advises dermatologist Dr. med. Carsten Weishaupt

Many people still do not realize that sunscreen is not optional. As a result, 200,000 people in Germany are diagnosed with skin cancer each year. Dr. Carsten Weishaupt, head of the Skin Tumor Center at Münster University Hospital, summarizes the dangers of sunlight. Because: "Sunburn is a no-go," says Weishaupt. But the sun does after the many dark months – with the necessary precautions – above all, fun and happy.

SPF 30 is minimum

"Whether the spray or cream, the pump bottle or the compressed air tank are important, the sunscreen evenly over all uncovered skin Weishaupt explains, and recommend at least 30 FPS, but in the best case 50. Because to achieve full protection with the lower SPF, it takes between 30 and 50 milliliters of sunscreen for all the skin. "Nobody. uses as much, "says the doctor.

Although there are different types of skin that can tolerate more or less sun, people with darker skin should also opt for SPF 50. For children, after the bath or when perspiration applies: always the cream. "Every sunburn damages the skin and should be avoided," warns Weishaupt.Although a sunburn does not necessarily mean a skin cancer, it has been shown that it increases the risk of What damage to UV

Staying in the Shadow

It is better to protect yourself by staying in the shade and wearing long clothes. And especially on the sunscreen of the head is important. Due to the angle of incidence vertical, UV light hits the skin with more energy. White skin cancer is almost a common disease in men of this age. But white skin cancer, basal cell carcinoma, the most common type of cancer, is also common. After a long time in the sun, Weishaupt also recommends taking good care of the skin: "Whether with after-sun products or normal skincare creams does not make much difference, care is important in every case. "

Skin Screening every 2 years

In addition to appropriate precautions, the general physician recommends the regular provision:" Skin screening supports health insurance at age 35, sometimes even earlier, Early detection also plays a major role here. "In particular, people who have had many sunburns or numerous birthmarks are eligible.Even immunocompromised or transplanted patients are at increased risk." There has been a recent sunburn, you should definitely check for new moles by the dermatologist, "says Weishaupt

How to Protect Yourself During the Summer!

© Video: Glomex

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