The votes on the entry of Croatia in the final of the World Cup


Ivan Rakitic once again proves to be a leading player in the semifinal against England. Image: EPA / EPA

Rakitic in the final of the World Cup: "Yesterday I was still in bed with fever, it's crazy"

Croatia celebrates the most great success of its football history: After 2-1 The win after extra time against England plays the "Vatreni" Sunday for the world title. And at the heart of it all: Ivan Rakitic, born in Möhlin, who was still in bed the fever before the semi-finals

The story of the best Balkan team is anyway good, but that's not enough. is it Rakitic? Knockout course is amazing.

The constructive man was in bed before the most important game of his high temperature career. After the match, the former Swiss U21 International was rightly beaming with pride and exhaustion.

Croatian Voices

Ivan Rakitic (Croatia player):

"This match showed the morale of this team, it's easy unbelievable." England started extremely strong and took We were superior after that and it was only a matter of time in the second half until the goal came in. In the end, they were waiting for a shooting session at It's amazing to go into overtime and win three times in just 10 days. "

Ivan Rakitic solved the interview of SRF photo: capture of srf screen

«« We would all be in the Champions League Exchanging trophies for a world title Playing for the national team is always very special We are now going to give everything to get the world title C & # 39 is our dream – it's amazing to see so many proud compatriots and family members – I do not want to see my TV mobile phone when I enter the booth. It burns for sure … It should continue like this.

"Yesterday, I still had a fever of 39 degrees, lying in bed all day. It's crazy. I was afraid it was not enough. But I and my teammates have all gained strength, in the end we were even physically superior. In the final, we must let the euphoria take us again. We just want to continue, enjoy and finally bring the trophy home. "

Ivica Olic (assistant coach):

" We found the last strength, our path was not easy. We were the best team, we controlled the ball and in the end we rewarded and lived our dream. A revenge? It's a totally different team. France has also reached the final rightly. We still need a last step.

Zlatko Dalic (coach of Croatia):

"I have to congratulate the guy and say: They are not normal. Funky, how they played, how they ran, how they fought. It's for the story.

The goals

Mandzukic's winning goal:

In the 108th minute, the Juve striker strikes from a sharp angle Video: streamable

Hits in the regular season:

Trippier gives a free kick to England early Video: streamable

Perisic equalizes in the 68th minute. Video: streamable

The Voices of the English

Harry Kane (Captain England):

"It's very painful, it was a tough match, in the big games the little things are the difference, the margin is small.We had the game well under control until equalization, so no more.It was a missed opportunity, we firmly believed in the final.This n & # 39; It was not enough, but the World Cup was a fantastic adventure, we reached the semi-finals, next time we want more. "

Gary Lineker (English TV expert): [19659015] "Deeply shocked, but this young troop has given everything, it is a big step forward and they can only improve.They can go head high, they have made their land proud. Croatia. "

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