The world should move you


  Ghost of Tsushima: The World Must Move Around You

According to Sucker Punch, everything in the world of the game "Ghost of Tsushima" will change. It is an ambitious goal that can be achieved. "Ghost of Tsushima" is under development for the PS4.

Sucker Punch's Artistic Director Jason Connell revealed more details for the upcoming "Ghost of Tsushima". According to him, within the company, the ambitious goal is to keep the world moving around the player. This is obviously to express that the game world in the PS4 title is alive and vibrant in appearance.

Jason Connell in the caption: "Having everything in motion, it can move, was for us from the very beginning ambitious goal And we reach it! You run across the game world and you will think: "Oh my God, everything around me moves!"

Ghost of Tsushima: Not always historically accurate, but intentionally [19659006] According to Sucker Punch, "Ghost of Tsushima", which will be released on PlayStation 4, do not always have a historically correct appearance.

Unfortunately, Jason Connell gave no explanation, so only clues are made You can see how vibrant the game world will be in the final version of "Ghost of Tsushima" and how intensely the movement around you responds to the character.However, it is clear that "Ghost of Tsushima" is being developed for PlayStation 4. There is no date yet.

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