These are the 11 new exotics with Forsaken that we already know


In a new trailer, Bungie is grilling some exotic weapons and armor of the Forsaken Expansion for Destiny 2. The Guardians will be expecting these 11 alien species from September

] The second year of Destiny 2 will begin on September 4 with the Forsaken extension. The addition of fall brings many long awaited features – and a new loot. Bungie was now showing some exotic specimens in a short trailer. These 11 Exotics are already safe among the Forsaken

These New Exotic Weapons come with the Forsaken

In the trailer, the studio details these 7 weapons:

Ace of Spades:

 Destiny 2 Forsaken Ace of Spades

The Ace of Spades is the famous Cayde-6 pistol. Although Cayde dies in the expansion of the Forsaken with his own weapon, the guards apparently recover it from his murderer, Prince Uldren, during the plot

When reloading after a kill, Ace of Spades provides bullets with extra weapons.

Black Heel:

 Destiny 2 Black Heel Damaged

The Black Heel is an exotic sword, reminiscent of the bow thrower with its mechanics. Destiny 1. Because the Black Talon can not only be used for close combat, but also to launch energy projectiles that can hit distant enemies.


 Destiny 2 False Accusation of Evil

Of Evil, many guards thought it might be the return of the Epine to Destiny 2 This is obviously not the case – at least not in its original form. Although the weapon also fires thorny projectiles. But the effect of poisoning is missing. Instead, there is a powerful explosion on every fifth blow

One Thousand Voices:

 Destiny 2 Abandoned, One Thousand Voices

A New Gun track in the Schar-Look. The weapon fires a stream of fire which then explodes on the surfaces.

Trinity Ghoul:   Destiny 2 Gorge of the Abandoned Trinity

The Trinity Ghoul is an exotic arc made after death generated by electric arrows. Bows are a brand new kind of weapons that will not be featured in Destiny 2 before the Forsaken expands

Two-tailed Fox:

 Destiny 2 Two-tailed Fox abandoned [19659028] Destiny 2 Forsaken Two Fox-tailed

This is a new rocket launcher capable of simultaneously firing two seemingly homing missiles. Rockets seem to have different elemental damage. From the optical design, the next Exotic commemorates the scout of Jade.


 Destiny 2 Desperate Ender

The Ender Wish is an exotic Bow, which detects enemies through the walls when you use the viewfinder in a field limited vision. His arrows can penetrate enemies and knock other enemies behind him.

Cerberus + 1:


The Cerberus + 1 is an exotic automatic rifle from Forsaken. A detailed presentation of this weapon can be found here: Destiny 2: Are we waiting for the best automatic rifle of all time with Forsaken?

These weapons were also shown

This rifle was not shown, but judging by its exotic appearance
  Fate 2 Rocket Rocket Rocket

The automatic rifle of this Titan, also briefly shown, is an exotic weapon
  Destiny 2 Forsaken Exo Auto

These new pieces of exotic armor come with Forsaken [19659004] Also featured were 3 new Armor Exotics:

Antaeus Wards:
  Fate 2 Forsaken Antaeus Wards

This exotic titanium leg protection gives the wearer the ability to reflect missiles incoming – even the rockets.

Fire Chromatic: [1965] 9052] Destiny 2 Forsaken Chromatic Fire "width =" 760 "height =" 428 "data-lazy-srcset =" 2018/07 / Destiny-2-Forsaken-Chromatic-Fire-1024×577.jpg 1024w,×85 .jpg 150w,×169.jpg 300w, /magazin/medien/2018/07/Destiny-2-Forsaken-Chromatic-Fire-768×433.jpg 768w "data-lazy-sizes =" (max-width: 760px) 100vw, 760px "/>

This exotic Chestguard of the Warlock enriches its wearer with elemental explosions of precision killed with kinetic weapons.

The Sixth Coyote:
  Destiny 2 Abandoned The Sixth Coyote

This is a new exotic chest protector for the hunter.The exotic m and the carrier in a position to double the dodge jet

These armor pieces were also shown

This Warlock leg protector was only briefly visible, but his discharges from Arkus suggest an exotic. [19659009]   Destiny 2 Boots Exo Forsaken

This helmet has been shown several times on images of Forsaken.

 Helmet Destiny 2 Forsaken Exo

All exotic presented in the video

Want to see these exotic relive in action? Then watch this video:

<img src = "data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAP /// yH5BAEAAAAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7" class = "lazy lazy hidden" data-lazy type = "iframe" data lazy-src = "[19659068] "alt =" ">

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