This is how the stars lived filming "


Kleine Zeitung +

Ten years ago, the film was broken
from the musical "Mamma Mia!" all records.
Now, the colorful troupe is coming back
the little Greek island back.
We met the stars for a conversation.

By Luigi Heinrich, Hamburg | 05.10, 15 July 2018

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  Lily James as a young Donna
How it all started: The sequel is a retrospective on Donna's past: Lily James (Wed.) takes over the role of Meryl Streep – Dance included © Universal Pictures

One year, the first part invests 600 million dollars. Now, ten years later, the huge fan base has reason to rejoice: from Thursday, there is the second part in our cinemas. In "Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again" are all the stars of this era again. Three of them brought the new director (and screenwriter) Ol Parker to the premiere of Alster: Pierce Brosnan, Amanda Seyfried and Lily James .

For the new story, Parker found an unusual twist, a mix of prequel and on. First, we see how and why Donna (Meryl Streep) landed on the beautiful Greek island of Kalokairi (actually, was filmed on an island in Croatia), why she stayed and how her daughter Sophie is came to three dads. Then, the film makes the commute between the past and the present, in which Sophie is about to renovate her mother's old hostel and turn it into a luxury hotel. If and how Donna can be seen in the movie – after the first trailer was intrigued by the absence of Donna – we do not want to betray here. Let's say it this way: Ol Parker has found a clever way to bring it to the screen.

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