+++ Ticker +++ – US Stock Exchanges: Labor Market Report Overlaps Customs Concerns | new



At the top, even up to 24,520 points, the Dow Jones Industrial brought after a more than 0.41% to 24,456.48 points on the finish line . He thus increased his gain on this trading week to nearly 0.8%.

The New York stock exchanges generally benefited from the fact that the US economy had created more jobs in June than expected and that wage developments remained modest. "This reduces inflationary pressure and therefore does not force the central bankers of the Fed in their rate hike," said a market observer.

The tariff dispute between China and the United States The investors had discussed for many days. They see the conflict as a threat to economic growth for some time. However, the Swiss bank Credit Suisse is still in agreement: According to market expert John Woods, recent economic data even announce an acceleration of momentum.

In terms of individual actions, Biogen's biogenetic action outpaced the Alzheimer's drug. Nasdaq jumped nearly 20% with a price jump. Biogen and its Japanese partner Eisai have reported a significant reduction in BAN2401 antibody in a phase II study in the early stage of Alzheimer's disease.

Elsewhere, the flow of corporate-level messages was thin. Some companies with large global footprints have been affected by the trade dispute with China, according to investment dealers. In the Dow, for example, the titles of the Caterpillar construction equipment manufacturer were one of the few losers in the index with less than 0.3%.



The Swiss Stock Exchange edged down slightly Friday, The US-led trade dispute with China and Europe is the question dominant, said the traders. The SMI was up 0.3% at 8,697 points

Financial stocks and cyclical stocks were lower: Insurer Zurich and Swiss Life and the large banks Credit Suisse and UBS have lost.

losses in the end again. The electrical engineering company takes over the private business AB Rotech. The values ​​of luxury goods manufacturers Richemont and Swatch are down 0.3 and 0.2 per cent, respectively.

For SMI heavyweights, Nestlé's food value increased by 0.6 percent. Novartis Pharmaceuticals and Roche grew by 0.4 and 0.1 respectively

Market participants were increasingly concerned that the trade dispute following the entry into force of US duties on Chinese imports of 34 billion of merchandise dollars and the corresponding reaction of Beijing

Read the detailed final report of the SMI here



The dollar index mark the end of a trade war Data on employment in the United States show a three-week low at 93,921 points. Wage growth was slightly weaker than expected in June. In addition, traders are overwhelmed by the US-Chinese trade dispute



The dollar has weakened slightly against the Swiss franc more the release of the US Labor Market Report. A greenback still costs according to the data 0.8989 francs after 0.9922 francs immediately before. The benchmark stock market index, however, hardly reacted.



The Dow Jones Defaults Index opened Friday a 0.1% drop to 24,329 points, the index S & P 500 as a whole was virtually unchanged, with the Nasdaq stock index rising 0.1%

Trade conflict remained dominant among investors. Shortly after US rights were boosted by $ 34 billion in Chinese imports on Friday, China began to retaliate to the same extent.

Stock market support has provided solid employment data in the United States. Positive results from a study on a drug against Alzheimer's have boosted the shares of the US pharmaceutical company Biogen. They climbed by 20%



In the US economy, surprisingly, many jobs were created in June. The Washington government reported 213,000 new jobs in its labor market report for June. At the same time, job growth for May was revised to 244,000. Experts were only expecting 195,000 for June.


] 14:46

The US trade deficit declined in May for the third time in a row. The deficit fell from $ 3.0 billion to $ 43.1 billion, the Commerce Department announced in Washington on Friday. Analysts on average expected a slightly lower decline to reach $ 43.6 billion.



Positive study results on a drug against Alzheimer's have boosted the shares of the American pharmaceutical company Biogen on Friday. They climbed into trading before the stock market on Wall Street by eleven percent to $ 332. Tokyo's shares of Japanese research partner Eisai climbed 19.5% to its highest level since March 2015.



Oil prices resumed on Friday's big losses and dropped further. A barrel (159 liters) of the North Sea Brent for delivery in September costs about $ 76.61 at noon and therefore 78 cents less than the day before. The West Texas Intermediate (WTI) barrel price for August delivery dropped 55 cents to $ 72.39.

The Swiss stock exchange enters the city at the end of the week. Although the positive economic data support Germany, but the dominant theme remains the next step in the trade dispute between the United States and China. The Swiss Market Index (SMI) remains at 8.675 points at 11:30

The company's news agenda is largely empty on Friday. As the day before, stocks like Aryzta (+ 1.3%), Sonova (+ 1.1%), Vifor (+ 1.0%) or Lonza (+ 0.4%) were bought at the end of the week. But classic cyclists such as Dufry (+ 1.1%), Logitech (+ 0.6%) or Geberit (+ 0.5%) are also on the shopping lists.

The photo is not uniform. Other economically sensitive stocks such as ABB (-0.6%), LafargeHolcim (-0.1%) and Schindler (-0.4%) are losing ground. ABB has announced the purchase of a Turkish robot producer, LafargeHolcim, for the UK's major order.

The weak Swatch (+ 0.3%) and Richemont (+ 0.1%) stabilized somewhat the day before. The newspapers had recently suffered greatly from the conflict between the United States and China. The Central and Hong Kong countries are by far the most important markets for luxury goods and expensive watches.

Financials Credit Suisse (-0.2%), Julius Baer (-0.4%) and UBS (-0.1%) retreated slightly. The release of the minutes of the last meeting of the US Federal Reserve on interest rates did not give significant impetus.

Heavyweights Roche (-0.1%), Novartis (-0.1%) and Nestlé (+ 0.2%) take off in total, about



The Swiss Market Index (SMI) only slightly increased to 8679 points at the beginning of the session, at 0.1%.

19659003] The weak Swatch of the day before (+ 0.7%) and Richemont (+ 0.5%) were bought. These had suffered from the escalation of the conflict between the United States and China. The central country and Hong Kong are by far the main markets for the sale of luxury goods and expensive watches.

Adecco's personnel service provider's titles stand out before the US employment relationship with more than 0.5%. The papers also benefit from a small increase in the course goal by Goldman Sachs.

Ams shares fall sharply by 2.4% in the general market. Credit Suisse has reduced its price target for the semiconductor maker by about a third. Experts cite the move with lower revenue and operating income forecasts for the period from 2018 to 2020. Their new estimates are based on the assumption that Apple's iPhone is has less 3D content than before.



The trade dispute between China and the United States swirled the stock markets in Asia at the end of the week. Since last Friday, $ 34 billion worth of Chinese goods have been subject to higher import duties in the United States.

The Beijing government reacted with countervailing duties. "You can compare that to a boxing match, in which the first round is now involved," said Norihiro Fujito investment strategist of Mitsubishi broker UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities. A trade war has now become a reality. US President Donald Trump will not give up. He said if China imposed countervailing duties, the United States would charge taxes on other Chinese products. However, in the conflict with China, one can hope that the big bang will be avoided at the last minute, said investment analyst Wolfgang Albrecht of the Baden-Württemberg Landesbank

The Barometer of the Shanghai Stock Exchange slid to 1.6% the lowest level in two and a half years, but recovered and noted just under one percent firmer. The index of large companies in Shanghai and Shenzhen gained one percent, offsetting losses suffered early in the session. In Tokyo, the Nikkei closed up by 1.1% to 21,788. Especially, shares of automakers were in demand, after US President Donald Trump signaled the willingness of European manufacturers to negotiate with car tariffs threatened .

Toyota shares rose 1.1%, Honda up 1.4% and Hyundai shares in Seoul rose 2.9%. Nikkei Eisai shares climbed 19.5%. The pharmaceutical company, which works with the American company Biogen, has achieved a successful study with an agent for Alzheimer's disease. Under the wheels came the shares of Samsung after a warning on the profits for the second quarter. Shares of the South Korean electronics company lost almost three percent at the top



The Swiss Market Index (SMI) takes the Vorboex head calculated by Julius Baer by 0.4 percent. Yesterday, the main index closed just 0.1% higher

The focus should be on the US trade dispute with China. After the entry into force of US tariffs on imports of Chinese goods, the Beijing government is forced to take countermeasures. Investors fear that the tariff dispute between the world's largest economic powers will grow in a spiral of retaliation that could also affect the global economy. Since this Friday, the US tariffs on Chinese products in the volume of 34 billion.

Of the individual titles, Adecco and Swatch (+ 0.7% each) are the best performers. ABB, Credit Suisse and UBS also posted a positive result of more than 0.5%

Small caps were marked by AMS's 0.9% drop, reflecting Samsung's warning to second trimester.



225 Nikkei's flagship stocks rose 1.0% to 21,757 points in the afternoon. The wider Topix gained 0.6 percent at 1685 meters.

The shares of automobile manufacturers were in demand. Toyota Motor shares rose 1.6% and Honda Motor rose 1.9%. Traders explained the surcharges in the hope of a relaxation in the trade dispute between the United States and the EU. Investors insist that automakers in Europe avoid higher US import duties. The US Ambassador to Germany, Richard Grenell, brought a meeting with VW bosses, BMW and Daimler a complete waiver of the car's duties in the conversation. In Japan too, the American momentum created a good mood

. Taiyo Nippon Sanso shares were also in demand with a jump of 13%. For the merger project with the German industrial gas company Linde, the American partner Praxair is part of a large part of its European activities. Japanese group Taiyo Nippon will take over business for a total of five billion euros.

(cash / AWP / Reuters) [19659080] [ad_2]
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