Total lunar eclipse in the live ticker: It was the moon moon night


103 minutes lasted the total phase of the lunar eclipse, which could also be seen from Germany. It was the longest lunar eclipse of the 21st century – and it was not as spectacular as it was announced. Nevertheless, the observers could see a sky show. The live ticker around the year astronomy event for reading.

00:20: The full moon is again fully visible in the night sky. That's the end of this ticker. Here you can read about the blood moon night in the Rhine-Main region and in Frankfurt.

00:06: At 103 minutes, the entire lunar eclipse of today was the longest of the 21st century. It will not be until June 9, 2123, that there will be a longer lunar eclipse. It lasts 106 minutes

00:04: Almost the moon has left the shadow of the Earth, in the minutes that follow it is completely visible again .

23:14: The moon slowly comes out of the shadow of the earth. We must now see clearly how the moon "sprout" again and begins to shine.

23:04: On the Lohrberg in Frankfurt, the atmosphere remains good – also because all the warm Enjoy the summer night, moon view or not. There is also enough to watch: more and more stars appear in the sky that darkens. And then, of course, there's Mars, which – like a shiny but brilliant spot – the moon almost flies the show that night. (mo)

23:02: As the experience of the colleague of the Frankfurt Lohrberg, he wrote in his article "Bloodmoon on the Lohrberg"

22:52 : Throughout Germany you can see anything on the moon of blood at all. The press agency dpa reports: In the north, west and south, the view of the two locally brilliant stars in many places was quite good. The German Meteorological Service has reported isolated clouds for these areas. Less luck had distant parts of Brandenburg, Saxony-Anhalt, Saxony and Thringen. There, many watched storm clouds instead of a starry sky. A few clouds hung over Berlin. In 1965, the lunar eclipse in Frankfurt "data-sizes =" (max-width: 768px) 214x158px "data-srcset =" /3/1123953_app224x168_1rmUpL_UoicDw.jpg 224w, 321w, /3/5/9/3/1123953_app224x168-428w_1rmUpL_UoicDw.jpg 428w, 642w "data-src =" "src =" / _ / pics / spacer.gif "class =" lazyload "/>

L & # 39 Lunar eclipse in Frankfurt

Bronze moon on Frankfurt

Hundreds of Frankfurt follow the total lunar eclipse on the mountain of the city.You must be patient.The Blood Moon doesn t Will not wait.

22:50: In fact, Mars can now be very well seen in the sky, it is clearly colored – this is not for r it is called "red planet". Mars is currently very close to the Earth, today it is opposed to the Sun, that is to say that it faces the Sun and rises when it is layer and vice versa. At the same time, Mars is currently in its orbit around the Sun, relatively close to the Earth, so it seems so clear and sober.

22:45: Two teenagers speak: "The Blood Moon is not so impressive," says one. The second answer: "Yes, I find Mars much more spectacular."

22h36: At 22h21, the maximum eclipse was reached, but until 23:13, the moon is still fully covered

22:28 clock: It remains foggy in the skies of Frankfurt, the red moon is even more likely to deify. Amateur photographers are hoping for spectacular photos. (mo)

22: 20: Whoever wants to cross the faint Moon of Blood should look to the West at 22:31. There, the ISS will show up and – as big as a star – move quickly across the sky to the north. If you discover the ISS, you can greet the German astronaut Alexander Gerst, who is currently touring the world and doing research.

The ISS flies at a speed of 28,800 km / h at an altitude of 400 kilometers land. Once every 90 minutes, it is in orbit around the Earth – astronauts on board see 16 sunrises and sunsets in one day. And they also see the lunar eclipse. Alexander Gerst will try to photograph it. However, the least of these things will not be easy: The ISS is currently permanently in the sun, even though it sees the night side of the earth and the moon.

22:15: In the streets (in Hainburg) you can see a lot of disappointed faces, the blood moon has been imagined to be stronger. But there is still time: the moon will remain in its shadow until 23:13. It gets even darker in time and it continues to climb into the sky. There is still a chance to see a good blood moon

22:06: Now the Mofi Spher on Lohrberg also see the blood red moon – very weak though. You must watch carefully. (mo)

22:03: At the belvedere Buchrainweg in Offenbach, you can see a pink moon on the horizon. (mo)

22:00 hours: Hundreds of people on the Lohrberg in Frankfurt waiting for the lunar eclipse – but the moon is from the local mountain Frankfurt not yet catching. Since the evening, people have arrived, populate the meadows, cover large blankets and have picnics – and more and more arrive. The first have already secured their seats in the "front row" before 8 pm, folding chairs have been installed in the southeast, tripods and cameras have been positioned. Some settled between the trees.

The atmosphere is relaxed. Some are holding their smartphone in the sky and can see the position of the planets using an application. Here, someone looking for Mars, there is another, that there will be a beautiful evening – even if you should not see anything from the lunar eclipse. (mo)

21:57 pm: There is a lot going on in the streets of Hainburg (Offenbach district), many traveling with children and looking for the moon of blood. But the stands – at least in the Rhine-Main region – are still quite deep and hang just above the trees. In addition, the simple mist on the horizon prevents you from seeing the moon.

21:37 pm: Since 9:30 pm, the moon is completely in the shadow of the heart of the Earth. There you are, the moon of blood! For 103 minutes, it will be completely covered by the shadow of the Earth, before the shadow slowly retreats.