Trailer of the new season of the Netflix series available


  Castlevania: Trailer for the new season of the Netflix series available

At the end of October, Netflix launches the second season of the animated series "Castlevania". A new trailer shows what fans need to be prepared for.

Fans of the animated series "Castlevania" from Netflix's animation studio Powerhouse Animation have to wait until October 28th. Then the second season and thus eight new episodes will be released after four episodes of the first season. As a producer, Adi Shankar will perform as before.

In order to adequately adapt the fans to the events, the creators have now released a new trailer. The images are attached. If this happens as shown, fans can expect a lot of action again. The second season has already been confirmed last year. When it's actor voice Trevor Belmont called Richard Armitage, could also follow a third season. However, neither Netflix nor the responsible studio confirmed this (we reported it).

The main character of Belmont wants to embody the vampire. Belmonts woman was executed at the stake, which led to a curse of Dracula's evil monsters were unleashed in the world.

Source: YouTube

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