Unconventional force demonstration seems to be paying off for Tesla


Many times the electric car manufacturer Tesla has missed its own production targets. With extraordinary measure, he finally reached them, and the price of the stock exchange reacts clearly.

Michael Schäfer

  Tesla reaches its production goals for the first time. (Image: Stephen Lam / Reuters)

Tesla reaches its production goals for the first time. (Photo: Stephen Lam / Reuters)

For a car manufacturer other than Tesla, the news is not worth even a secondary note, but Tesla is not a normal automaker. For the first time, it was possible to build 5000 Model 3 vehicles in a week, said Sunday the boss of the company Elon Musk. Because the 2000 S and X models were still under construction, he tweeted "7,000 cars, 7 days" with a slightly triumphant voice.

Extraordinary Measurements

In fact, the 5,000-vehicle mid-range model brand 3 applies as an important step in the project to bring Tesla durably out of notoriously red numbers. He has now become a true automotive company, said Musk. However, a tweet from Ford Europe's boss, Steven Armstrong, says "7,000 cars, about 4 hours," was his reply.

While Musk already has higher production numbers in The Prospect is – they are on track to produce 6000 Model 3 a week – analysts are mostly skeptical if Tesla can even maintain the numbers of the Last week. The long awaited brand of 5000 Model 3 should have been reached by the end of 2017 and only cracked because Tesla has made extraordinary efforts. So, Musk had to build an extra assembly line in a huge tent in the parking lot next to the factory.

Stocks react with a sharp rise in prices

Tesla shareholders seem a little upset. As is often the case when there is positive news from the company, they are recovering strongly and equities rose 5% early in the session. Before the stock market, they had been traded up to 6% more expensive. The losers are above all the many speculators who, in the recent past, have bet on the fall of Tesla's prices and sold the shares in the open ("hoarded"). They may now have to close their positions dearly and with losses.

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