US lawsuits against Bayer subsidiary Monsanto approved for glyphosate


Delayed for Monsanto Seed Company: A US federal judge in California has allowed several hundred lawsuits against a herbicide containing glyphosate from the Bayer subsidiary.

  See hundreds of lawsuits Face cancer patients: The seed manufacturer Monsanto, which is now part of the Bayer group. (Photo: KEYSTONE / AP / SETH PERLMAN)

Sees hundreds of complaints from cancer patients: Monsanto seed producer, now part of the Bayer group. (Image: KEYSTONE / AP / SETH PERLMAN)

(nda / reu)

There is sufficient evidence to negotiate the lawsuit alleging that Roundup is a carcinogen, Justice Vince Chhabria decided in San Francisco on Tuesday. He made the decision after several weeks of hearing and years of litigation involving glyphosate, the main ingredient of Monsanto's bestseller

More than 400 farmers, landscapers, and consumers blame Monsanto for being guilty to catch non-Hodgkin lymphoma. to have. Monsanto rejected the allegations. There is no connection between glyphosate and cancer.

The Federal Council does not see the need for action

The Swiss Federal Council is of the opinion that it is not necessary to act on the plan health. He shares the EU's assessment and recently ruled against a ban on glyphosate. At the end of November 2017, after a long dispute, the EU states have decided to extend the approval of glyphosate for five years. This was followed by massive protests.

A federal study of May 2018 showed that in Switzerland, 40% of foods contained measurable traces of glyphosate. But the concentrations measured were all below the allowed values.

The Vaud government is more cautious. He wants to submit a plan of action to the cantonal parliament and conduct pilot tests to look for alternatives to the use of glyphosate. By 2022, all state-owned wine, fruit and agriculture producers are expected to dispense with the controversial herbicide.

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