Usain Bolt plans to start his football career in Australia | Tiroler Tageszeitung online


Canberra (APA / dpa) – Jamaican sprint superstar Usain Bolt (31) will likely begin his football career in Australia. The eighth Olympic champion had "fundamentally" accepted a contract for a six-week test with the Central Coast Mariners, as councilor Tony Rallis announced on a local radio Tuesday

The New South Wales Club confirmed the negotiations. However, no contract is guaranteed after the test period. Central Coast Mariners play in the A-League, Australia's first division. In March, the fastest man in the world had already trained as a guest with footballers Borussia Dortmund.

Bolt has been working for a future in football since the end of his athletic career last year. His favorite club is England's Manchester United. Professional football had been his dream when he was a child, Bolt said a few months ago. "It's a personal goal – I do not care what others say about it," Bolt said.

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