Vanessa Paradis is married "YES!" – people


She finally found love and said YES!

The actress and singer Vanessa Paradis (45) married Saturday the French director Samuel Benchetrit (45 years).

The couple, fell in love during the filming of the joint movie "Dog" in 2016, gave the sermon at a small ceremony in the French city of Saint-Simeon.

Photos showing "The Parisian" newlywed couple can be seen leaving the registration desk. She in a romantic wedding dress, ruffled with veil and pink and purple flowers in her hair. He is cool with sunglasses and a dark blue suit.

In addition to many friends, wedding guests included Paradis's daughter, Lily-Rose (19) from the relationship with 55-year-old Johnny Depp. If Jack's son (16 years old) was at the wedding, whose health was the subject in recent days, it's not clear.

Vanessa Paradis and Johnny Depp

Paradis was a couple with Johnny Depp for 14 years before leaving in June 2012. The couple was never married despite recurring rumors

Depp left Paradis and married Amber Heard, 23 years old. After less than a year and a half, the relationship has ended in a war of roses. Heard got about 5.7 million euros in severance pay.

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Photo: Getty Images

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Johnny Depp and Vanessa Paradis were 14 years old and two had two children. But before the wedding altar, they went with other partners Photo: Getty Images

I hope the wedding is better for Vanessa! It's his first wedding, for Benchetrit it's the second. He brings a son and a daughter of different relationships in marriage

In Patchwork, the two French are at least practiced …

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