Vibeke Skofterud: Police publish details of tragic accidental death


38-year-old Olympic champion Vibeke Skofterud was found dead Sunday afternoon on the small island of St Helena in southern Norway. Near his body, the police found a jet ski. The suspicion that the athlete may have been killed has now been confirmed.

As reported by the "Welt", police investigations revealed that the cross-country skier crashed on the jet ski. As head Torbjørn Trommestad told the newspaper, the athlete was with his red Yamaha jet ski on the way to a concert in Arendal at a summer cottage on the ''. Tromøy Island, Skofterud, the cottage with his partner Marit Stenshorne since Friday. The waterway is about five and a half kilometers.

A sportswoman was an experienced jet ski pilot

Obviously, the skier was alone. During his crossing, the 38-year-old man would have been too close to the rocks of the island of St. Helena, his jet-ski having probably hit one of the rocks, after which Skofterud was thrown on the island and died of his wounds. According to the Skofterud family, the athlete often traveled and willingly with his jet ski. It is tragic and paradoxical that Skofterud has just killed with his deadly favorite vehicle, the "world" quotes the spokesperson of his family.

A partner wrote emotional farewell on Instagram

A foreign influence could be ruled out according to Einsatzleiter. The chief of operations told the newspaper that the worst part of the investigations into the death of the athlete was to inform the bereaved of the tragic accident. His long-time friend left Skofterud with an emotional contribution on Instagram.

In addition to a joint photo of the two happy days, she writes: "Vibeke you are my great love, darling, my love, my hero, my mentor. We said we both wanted to get old and twisted together. It will be so sad and difficult without you. You've given me so much positive, gratitude, laughter, joy, knowledge and love. I like you. "

On video: She was only 38 years old: Olympic champion Vibeke Skofterud found dead

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