Victorinox tests the personal knife


The famous boss and customers are happy: it will soon be possible to design a Victorinox pocketknife worldwide according to his personal taste.

The boss of Victorinox Carl Elsener (60 years) reveals these projects for the double jubilee in an interview with the "Bote des Urschweiz". Elsener worked for the company for 40 years and turned 60 this week.

In the interview tells his first fascination for the knife with the bowls of the red bridge. This will continue to exist, but in the future, every customer should be able to decide on the Internet "what his pocket knife should look like". And order this online.

Online should be reinforced

More specifically: The customer can choose between different colors of the hulls, he can design each page individually and – if you wish – can have a personal name or dedication attached.

This option is only available in certain Victorinox stores: "We are currently testing how to extend this offer to e-commerce," explains Elsener.

Victorinox wants to strengthen its online sales channel. The bag knifes producer from Ibach SZ makes a turnover of 475 million francs with 2,100 employees worldwide. (koh)

Posted on 07.07.2018 | Updated at 21:52

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