We are not ready for eSports


The Battle Royale PUBG shooter (PlayerUnknown & # 39; s Battlegrounds) wants to start with the PUBG Global Invitational in eSports. Before the event begins in Berlin, however, the "PlayerUnknown" itself suggests that the game is not yet ready for eSports.

PUBG is not ready for eSports: Berlin begins today on July 25, 2018 the PUBG Global Invitational 2018. However, shortly before launch, the "PlayerUnknown" Brendan Greene himself says: PUBG is not "eSport ready".


"We Are Not Ready"

Greene directly says about PUBG that the game is not yet ready for the electronic sport. The PUBG Corp. she herself is not ready for it, and that would never have been said that way. The Global Invitational PUBG is still a promising event for the Battle Royale shooter.

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What is PUBG Global Invitational? The PUBG Global Invitational (PGI for short) is PUBG's first major eSport tournament and was announced in April. The organizer is PUBG Corp. The event will take place at the Mercedes Benz Arena in Berlin from July 25 to July 29, 2018.

Twenty teams from around the world are approaching for a $ 2,000,000 prize pool to play. The first and third person (FPP and TPP) are played on the Erangel and Miramar cards. If you want to watch live on the site, you must be at least 16 years old.


The year 2018 should be devoted to making PUBG a real "eSport loan". The eSports base should be consolidated and the game should ultimately be competitive. This means removing bugs and implementing quality of life changes as well as many new features and features.


Fortnite has already failed: Nobody has tried Battle Royale in electronic sport before. The Fortnite competitor has already scheduled a tournament shortly before – but failed.

The difficulties with Battle Royale as a spectator sport are, above all, that watching is simply boring. The pros are not fighting for victory, but are hiding in order to increase their chances of winning.

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