
Sunday, July 22, 2018
In the staff's internal magazine, the Post-Chef Appel does not save critics. The group was "bogged down" and needed a "cultural change," a newspaper quoted in the interview. Employees get their fat away. The Group has calmed down.
Frank Appel, CEO of Deutsche Post, criticized his own employees, according to a report in an internal magazine. The Post itself, however, sees the same thing
In the newspaper of employees "Premium Post" Call says "Bild am Sonntag" (BamS): "We do not really work in a team – and I am referring at all levels ". The director called for a "cultural change" in the company and demanded that its employees: "Every individual must take responsibility for his sector, question things and change them if necessary."
spokesperson of the Deutsche Post that the interpretation of "Bild am Sonntag" for the CEO interview in the employee newspaper was "completely absurd". In this interview, Mr. Appel exclusively calls all employees to work together on the planned improvements in productivity and earnings of the Post – Electronic Commerce – Parcel (PEP) Division
"We get it" [19659011] More about [19659008Leporte-paroleacitélePDG"Nosemployésfontunexcellenttravailtouslesjoursdoncnouspouvonslefaire"adéclaréAppelcommentantleschangementsàvenirdansleGroupeL'interviewétaitaprèsl'avertissementdeprofitdupostevisantàexpliquerleschosesauxemployésPourendéduirelechefdeposte"vasursoncollègue"estplusqu'étrangepoursuitleporte-word
The BamS had also quoted Call that & # 39; they s & # Were stuck in the mail and parcel area. "We've had too many new ideas in some areas, some of our organization are too complicated, and branch productivity is drastically different – even if the business model and basic requirements are the same everywhere."
Source: n-tv .com
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