"We'll talk about it in a rocking chair"


Federer and Nadal on the verge of becoming probably the best tennis game of all time

Today, exactly ten years ago, Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal wrote the history of sport. In the Wimbledon final, they played the best tennis game of all time. Meanwhile, Federer can also benefit from defeat.

Tiebreak in the 4th movement. Matchball Nadal – and Federer plays the best passing ball of the entire tournament. Three minutes later, he made up for the final, the sixth Wimbledon title in a row is still possible. There are images like these that have marked the spirit of all sports fans. It is only during the final that made the rivalry between the two stars, which is already very popular on the tennis scene, one of the most respected sports stories in the world. Federer and Nadal left the relatively small world of tennis circus. Incredible: even ten years later, the two are still – or still – the numbers 1 and 2 of the world.

Material for a movie

The game had everything a classic needs. Drama with two drops of rain, fantastic tennis, a favorite who fights after a clear backlog, and finally the outsider, who finally gets the title he had dreamed of as a child when the night falls. He is now even material for a 98 minute film of the American "Tennis Channel".

The Redemption: Nadal wins the Wimbledon final.

"I never think, I win, but In this match, I thought: That's it, I win Wimbledon," says Nadal in the film. It was not yet. "It was the worst feeling I've ever had on a tennis court." At 7:53 pm local time – at 2:02 am in the 5th set – rain Once again, the end of the evening seems barely possible. Dan Bloxham, head coach of All England tennis and croquet clubs, and the man who leads the players at the Center Court in the final, still waiting players in the locker room. This is not football, the rivals of the place share the same room.

At 8:08, the following would have been postponed to monday

At 8:23 pm, there is a call to continue When Bloxham comes back with the players, the assistants only reinstall the net, you do not lose a second this time. there is enough light for about half an hour. But it's ten past ten when Nadal marks the first break of the 5th set for 8: 7. People in front of the TV can not guess how dark it is, only the photos of the handover ceremony prices with the photographer's flash clearly show that it would have been impossible to play a minute longer. At 8:08, the result would have been postponed to Monday. Nader is allowed to raise the trophy after dark

"It's probably my most difficult defeat," he said at the time. Switzerland's 26 years – and still sees him today. But he also knows how to estimate the value of this defeat. "It took me a few weeks to realize that it was a good match, and maybe the defeat made me more humane." In fact, the fans have had qualities of "Mr. Perfect" to see, that he had almost never used in previous years: fighting spirit, determination and will never give up.

Federer was devastated after the defeat

Nadal: "I'm not going to lose this match Roger may win but it will not be because I'm losing."

Nadal's defeat would have been even more bitter.He had already lost to Federer in five sets the year before, even though he had been the best player. The next night he cried bitter tears as he l Confessed in his autobiography "I thought it might be my last chance to win Wimbledon." Unlike many Spaniards, he had as boy not only the sand mecca of Roland Garros in sight. "I dream of winning Wimbledon," says Nadal in adolescence in the movie "Strokes of Genius".

However, it is likely that Nadal would not have been discouraged by another setback. Toni Nadal, his coach and uncle, remembers that he thought he should encourage his protégé during the second rain. Far from there. In the film, Rafael Nadal explains his mood: "I told Toni: I will not lose this game. Roger may win. But it will not be because I lose.

John McEnroe: "I do not think there will be a better match in the next 50 years"

This game, with many others, has Federer and Nadal welded together. "I think we'll talk about it in a rocking chair for many years," says Federer later

It's already dark when Federer congratulates Nadal on the win. "

Vor Overall, this rivalry has improved both players.Or, as told by Federer coach and his long-time mentor, Pierre Paganini: "Roger is an artist who can fight too. And Nadal is a fighter who can also be an artist.

It never became clearer than this afternoon and evening of July 6, 2008 at Wimbledon. Even John McEnroe, never giving up a spell, suddenly missed the words. "This game speaks for itself, because you have nothing more to say," said triple Wimbledon commentator on the US TV channel ESPN. And he prophesied: "We will talk about this game in ten years". And: "I do not think there will be a better match in the next 50 years." Nobody dares to contradict him either.

Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal: Two of the greatest champions of all.

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