What really happened in the Mercedes / Formula 1 SPEEDWEEK


Formula 1

By 21.07.2018 19:45

Growing up against resistance, overcoming obstacles, mastering difficult situations and coming out with success – " calm I get up "It's Lewis Hamilton's mantra. He will need it.

In the fall of 2017, the magnificent Hamilton duel against Vettel gave the Englishman a glimpse of his universe of ideas. "So much has happened so far this year. Many sticks were thrown between my legs. But I knew deep down in my heart, even when I was at the back, that I would not give up. Maybe I'm most proud of it. There were races, I did not run anywhere, I knew I would never win in life, but I wanted to finish the race with decency and dignity. I spoke in the car – "calm I get up, always I get up", you can do it, go on, go! Do not give up! "

Lewis Hamilton may have believed in this dramatic qualification, but then concedes with speculation:" People have drawn the wrong conclusions. Fans saw me rattling the sidewalks at the exit of Turn 1, and it was obvious to think – this triggered the fault. In truth, it was the opposite. You still need the full width of the curbs, I've done it now, but the power steering has failed, the car has moved to the right, I pulled the handlebars, for do not lose control, then the Hoppelei, who have all seen, I even thought that I had a damaged plate or suspension. "

Did Lewis Hamilton talk to his car?" When he knelt beside the car after leaving the Hockenheim qualifier, as he was praying? talk about those intimate moments on Saturday night. "This is not easy to describe. If you drive racing cars, you are not sitting comfortably like us now. You are in a single projectile, and just as quickly a thousand thoughts cross your head. I had just pushed a car over a hundred meters, I had to catch my breath. I also needed to understand what was going on, and I had to accept it. "

" I have seen many things in my career, incredible times and less beautiful things. My first thought was when the car rolled – I have to one way or another go to the pits. So I started pushing. I did not want to give up. But then it became clear: this is not how it works. After that, I spent time with my team, which relieves the pain. We win together, we lose together. I have no control over such a defect, so I suppress negative thoughts and try to focus on the positive and on my mission on Sunday. "

What is achievable, from the 14th position?" Hard to say. At Silverstone, it is easier to overtake than here in Hockenheim. So I do not think I can go that far in England. But I am optimistic.

Lewis Hamilton had already complained about the direction in free practice. The Brit says: "In my opinion, this has nothing to do with the subsequent default." Sometimes it's also about the vote that you're not very comfortable with the management.It happens that a race car departs. "

Mercedes defects accumulate. Is this a sign that Ferrari pressure is noticeable?" I do not Do not think so, "says Hamilton." I have to deal with our people every day because I recognize the devotion and willingness to fight, but I can not say that I see people who are under pressure or nervous. If anything, we will be better under pressure. But all about such a runner is at the limit, and from time to time something is wrong. That should not be an excuse, but it's part of the race.

How does Lewis approach this race? "I have to go ahead, but I can not afford to fail, I would say – I will drive aggressively controlled."

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