The FC Widnau Juniors Become Viral: In a video, they parody the Brazilian superstar Neymar, who suffers from acute epilepsy at the World Cup.
(red.) Hundreds of thousands of clicks and compliments come to the FC Widnau juniors. They imitate a video of Brazilian millionaire Neymar. Since the start game against Neymar Switzerland because of his epilepsy, he swallows and laments for mistakes on him the mockery on the Internet.
In the video we can see how ten juniors run with the ball side by side. Suddenly, everyone falls and rolls on the ground with twisted faces of pain:
The video has already been clicked on the internet several hundreds of thousands of times. Compared to "20 minutes," Oscar Izquierdo, marketing director of FC Widnau, said: "We did not expect much attention." The video was shot after the match Switzerland – Brazil, in which Neymar with foot iron Valon Behrami had to do. However, the film just attracted attention on the internet, about two weeks later.
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