Working on subtleties – Step by step, Adi Hütter communicates his idea of ​​football



A square pitch, about eight meters by eight, four players at the corners and two in the middle, chasing the ball and catching it. From Kreisligakicker to the professional Bundesliga – almost all footballers know this warm-up program, which is usually performed without much intensity, but with a lot of cabinet pieces. Here is a tunnel for the teammate, a sleight of hand for the gallery. In short: An exercise to have fun, a light sweat, before it really starts …

In Adi Hütter, the new head of Frankfurt's Eintracht, the infernal game otherwise so relaxed, is completely different. For the coach it is a building element to convey his idea of ​​football. "Four against two, six against three – these are basic exercises for the game against the ball, if the guys in the middle are doing well, attack at the right time, so they can easily overtake a few," said Hütter. 19659004] Photographic series Training: The first unit after the training camp in the United States
  Danny Blum (Eintracht Frankfurt), Goncalo Paciencia (Eintracht Frankfurt) and Allan Souza (Eintracht Frankfurt) - 18.07. 2018: Eintracht Frankfurt Training, Commerzbank Arena   Goalkeeper Felix Wiedwald (Eintracht Frankfurt) - 18.07.2018: Training Eintracht Frankfurt, Commerzbank Arena   Danny da Costa (Eintracht Frankfurt) - 18.07.2018: Training Eintracht Frankfurt, Commerzbank Arena

Same as the Austrian Asked about his game idea when he was playing in the belly of the arena a little less than three weeks ago, he specified where would the Hütterschen Eintracht's trip go in the future: much further away the opposing half, attacking earlier, squeezing away from your own goal. "You can put your opponent and wait," said Hütter, "but that does not help much." It was important to go through the ball, take the last step, "then the opponent does not have more time". In fact, squeezing is not a way to defend one's own box, but rather a way to succeed oneself. "In a ball catch, you look directly at the purpose of the opponent," says Hütter, the biggest advantage

up here the theory, in practice that means a lot of work for the "lumpti". Hesse coach. In the morning session, he divided his team. The first ten on the grass, the others in the gym. An hour later, the kickers exchanged roles. For this form of practice, the four against two, it would be advantageous to work with a smaller number of players. "So I can better respond to each individual, I want to take this in hand," said Hütter, who praised his charges alternately, pointed out the mistakes, and especially encouraged strongly. feet, more loose in the legs, then you're faster, "Danny Blum, the 48-year-old coach, was on the way." Pass through, in the end, "was the instruction at Jetro Willems.

The left-back of the Netherlands has a lot to compare with the more stable style of former coach Niko Kovac. "It's a bit like RB Leipzig," Willems said. , "as well as the Dutch." What the 24-year-old said: A higher intensity in shorter sprints, less fighting, a little more football elements. [19659003Nowtheideaof​​#'39;formerEintrachtetdel'entraîneuractuelduBayernKovacplutôtdesetenirunpeuplusbasetdoncprendremoinsderisquescertainementpaslemauvaisLessuccèsdesdeuxdernièressaisonsaveclepointculminantdelacoupetriompheàBerlinparlentd'theirmêmesdetoutefaçonLesjoueursdeFrancfortmaisilconvientdenoterqu'ilsnesontpastropmauvaispourasservirplussousHütteraveclaballequesousKovacquiasouventsaupoudrédesunitésdeconditioncroquantessanslaballeronde

"The training is different," said Willems Last season, many thinking players could run, fight and be part of the & # 39; team. Now there are more footballers, so players who like to circulate the ball, in the team. Of course, both aspects were part of it, to succeed in the end, so Willems, who was not the least seen at the World Cup in Croatia. The finalist certainly did not have the best football players in his ranks, "but they played with a lot of heart."

For Willems, it's crucial to choose the right mix. He is pretty much in line with his new coach. Although Hütter wants to be attacked early, but certainly not a second Peter Bosz, Borussia Dortmund last season so risky has argued that the BVB was constantly auskontert. Bosz has already lost his job in December

It is always a matter of choosing the right tactical variant at the right time, Hütter repeats since taking office. And: "There is still a lot of work ahead of us." It's a work of subtleties to advance the big picture.

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  Coach Adi Hütter (Eintracht Frankfurt) - 18.07.2018: Eintracht Frankfurt Training, Commerzbank Arena

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