World AIDS Conference marked by setbacks


One day before the start of the World Conference on AIDS, President of the International AIDS Society, Bekker, expressed concern.

The epidemic continues to increase worldwide, she said in Amsterdam. Recently, the United Nations has warned of failures in the fight against the immunodeficiency syndrome. Especially in Eastern Europe and Asia, the number of new infections is increasing sharply. The UN is set as a goal to end the epidemic by 2030. However, 1.8 million new people were infected last year. There are about 37 million people infected with HIV worldwide, of whom nearly one million die each year.

Starting tomorrow, 18,000 experts will discuss ways to control the epidemic in the Dutch capital. The conference lasts until Friday. It's under the motto "Breaking the barriers – building bridges".

This post has been posted on 22.07.2018 in the program Deutschlandfunk.

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