Youtube: the Android application goes into incognito mode | heise online



(Photo: dpa, Jenny Tobien)

Android users can now watch videos on their mobile without ruining their credentials. This is made possible by an incognito mode.

The Android version of the Youtube app now has an Incognito mode. In this mode, you can use the application as if you did not have an account – without custom recommendations, tracking list and video history. Videos viewed in incognito mode will not be associated with the account. If you return to "normal" account mode, they will not appear in history. Google can not include them in video suggestions that users see when launching the application.

  You can see that you are in incognito mode mainly because of the video suggestions. For safety's sake, there is a logo at the top right and a small bar at the bottom of the application that points to the

The fact that you are in incognito mode is noticeable in the video suggestions. For security reasons, there is a logo on the top right and a small bar at the bottom of the application, which indicates the "anonymous" operation.

(Photo: heise online)

The incognito mode is called by pressing the picture of the account in the upper right corner of the application. Subsequently, a menu opens. in which you can choose the anonymous mode – and you are in the wonderful world of Clickbait videos with nackedei thumbnails and all-cape titles that Youtube offers to non-registered users. A tip on the incognito logo, which is now instead of the account picture at the top right, you can go back to normal operation.

In incognito mode, users can not submit ratings for videos, and the comment function is also blocked. In addition, the incognito mode of the application Youtube, reservations that should also be observed in similar modes in web browsers: Although the chronic is not recorded, the employer or the provider can under certain circumstances understand which pages visited and which videos were viewed.

The recording of the search and playback history in the Youtube app can also be suspended without private browsing mode. The options for this can be found in "Settings" -> "History and Privacy".


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