Zsa Zsa Gabor's Villa is for sale


<figure class = "image-c item active lslide item" data-component-name = "Image" data-src = "https://production-livingdocs-bluewin-ch.imgix.net/2018/7/ 4 / 07cfca00-3684-41bc-a6c8-4ab690e37fd6.jpeg? Rect = 90% 2C0% 2C1573% 2C1183 & w = 1024 & auto = format "data-sub-html ="

The villa of Zsa Zsa Gabor is sold – and demolished? [19659002] The villa where the Hollywood star Zsa Zsa Gabor lived until her death.
Image: Keystone / dpa


The villa where Zsa Zsa Gabor lived until his death is sold.

Keystone / dpa

<figure class = "image-c element active lslide item" data-component-name = "Image" data-src = "https: // production-livingdocs-bluewin -ch.imgix.net/2018/7/4/9e825d37-d628-4442-881a-602c3ff81875.jpeg?rect=119%2C0%2C597%2C449&w=1024&auto=format "data-sub-html ="

Zsa Zsa Gabor's villa is sold – and demolished –

The Regency-style property is expected to sell for at least $ 23.5 million.
Image: dpa


The Regency property is expected to sell for at least $ 23.5 million


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The Zsa Zsa Gabor villa is sold – and demolished?

The Los Angeles property is still in high demand – but could benefit the dusty villa at the same time to be a fatality.
Image: dpa


The landscapes in upscale Los Angeles neighborhoods are still in demand – which could benefit the dusty villa, but at the same time be lethal.


<figure class = "c-image figure item active lslide" data-component-name = "Image" data-src = "https: // production-livingdocs-bluewin-ch .imgix.net / 2018/7/4 / 194cad31-9800-49df-ac08-9819a39ebbf3.jpeg? rect = 24% 2C0% 2C709% 2C533 & w = 1024 & car = format "data-sub-html ="

Villa Zsa Zsa Gabor is sold – and demolished

Fredrik von Anhalt, widower of Gabor, does not believe that his old house will be kept will remain. "There will certainly be a huge block of concrete," he said in an interview with dpa.
Image: dpa


Gabor's widower, Frederic von Anhalt, does not believe that his old house will be preserved. "That's where a huge block of concrete comes from," he said in an interview with dpa


<figure class = "c-image figure article Active lslide "data-component-name =" Image "data-src =" https://production-livingdocs-bluewin-ch.imgix.net/2018/7/4/76658f0a-71f9-4bb6-926f-34bcfffff6a4.jpeg ? rect = 91% 2C0% 2C709% 2C533 & w = 1024 & car = format "data-sub-html ="

The villa of Zsa Zsa Gabor is sold – and demolished?

However, the broker also announces the possibility to acquire and retain part of the history of Hollywood.
Image: dpa


However, the broker also announces the opportunity to acquire and retain a part of the history of Hollywood.


<figure class = "image-c element active lslide item" data-component-name = "Image" data-src = "https: // production-livingdocs-bluewin-ch .imgix.net / 2018/7/4 / 3e868e49-bd84-449b-a625-107b0c846c0b.jpeg? w = 1024 & auto = format "data-sub-html ="

The villa of Zsa Zsa Gabor is sold – and demolished ?

Zsa Zsa Gabor acquired the villa at Bel Air in the 1970s, when her great film career was already behind her.
Image: Keystone


Zsa Zsa Gabor acquired the villa in Bel Air in the 1970s. Her film career was already behind her.


<figure class = "c-image figure active lslide article" data-component-name = "Image" data-src = "https: // production-livingdocs-bluewin-ch .imgix.net / 2018/7/4 / 26c37085-eaef-4a97-b2d3-ddc809aeedbf.jpeg? rect = 292% 2C490% 2C1781% 2C1339 & w = 1024 & auto = format "data-sub-html ="

The villa of Zsa Zsa Gabor is sold – and demolished?

Even more than with their films, the election of Miss Hungary's second election caused a stir with their marriages.
Image: Getty Images

] ">

Even more than for their films, the ex-second election of Miss-Hungary caused a stir with their marriages.

Getty Images

<Figure class = "c-image figure item active lslide" data-component-name = "Image" data-src = "https: // production-livingdocs-bluewin- ch.imgix.net/2018/7/4/551b57ad-e4e9-40c9-a006-47e6e12dbb50.jpeg?w The villa of Zsa Zsa Gabor is sold – and demolished?

Zsa Zsa Gabor has been married eight times, the more recently with the German adoptive noble Frederick of Anhalt.
Image: Keystone


Zsa Zsa Gabor has been married eight times, most recently with the German adoptive noble Frederic von Anhalt.


<figure class = "image-c element active lslide item" data-component-name = "Image" data-src = "https: // production-livingdocs-bluewin-ch .imgix.net / 2018/7/4 / 410a3e4e-d713-4910-a140-40f6538c045a.jpeg? rect = 0% 2C41% 2C1024% 2C770 & w = 1024 & auto = format "data-sub-html ="

Zsa Zsa Gabors Villa is sold – and demolished?

The couple gave the yes-word in 1986.
Image: Keystone


The couple spoke in 1986.


<figure class = "c-image figure active lslide article" data-component-name = "Image" data-src = "https://production-livingdocs-bluewin-ch.imgix.net/2018/7/4/ed3b92fe-adae-4225-a339-a5426df523c4.jpeg?rect=121%2C0%2C597%2C449&w=1024&auto=format" data -sub-html = "

The villa of Zsa Zsa Gabor is sold – and demolished?

From that moment, she lived together in the villa of Bel Air, who is now looking for a new buyer
" >

From that moment, he lived together in Bel Air's villa, which is now looking for a new buyer


<figure class = "c-image figure article Active lslide "data-component- name =" Image "data-src =" https://production-livingdocs-bluewin-ch.imgix.net/2018/7/4/6e56a74a-2312-4607-9ea2-62e82fe48e21.jpeg ? rect = 0% 2C0% 2C3000% 2C2256 & w = 1024 & car = format "data-sub-html ="

The villa of Zsa Zsa Gabor is sold – and demolished?

Frédéric von Anhalt has already moved and left many memories in memory of his late wife.
Image: Getty Images


Frederic von Anhalt has already moved and separated many of his deceased wife's belongings

Getty Images

Over 40 – Until his death in 2016 – lived Zsa Zsa Gabor in a splendid villa in Bel Air, the historic residence is for sale.

This is a piece of Hollywood history: Zsa Zsa Gabor has already received stars like Frank Sinatra and Elizabeth Taylor in his luxurious yellow ocher villa in the upscale neighborhood of Bel Air. There, the glamorous diva celebrated with studio heads and politicians. Her eighth husband, the German Frederic Prinz von Anhalt, moved in more than 30 years ago. At the age of 99, until his death in December 2016, the former "Miss Ungarn" lived in the splendor of the estate.

Now the villa is for sale. As early as 2013, the couple entered into a $ 1 million contract with an investor for a right of first refusal – provided that Gabor could live there until the end of their life. Regarding the future use of the historic villa, the 75-year-old widower Schlimmes fears: "It will certainly be demolished immediately," suspects Anhalt. "There will certainly be a huge block of concrete," he said in a conversation with the German news agency on Tuesday.

"They all go back"

Zsa Zsa Gabor buys the villa, built in 1955, in the mid-1970s, for 23.5 million dollars (about 20 million euros), the property is now at an auction scheduled for Friday change hands. This minimum price was announced by broker Jade Mills of the luxury goods company Coldwell Banker Global Luxury this week.

Von Anhalt is expecting a higher selling price. "They all go there," he says of the contested real estate market in luxury neighborhoods like Bel Air or Beverly Hills. "The best location, the best view," he says of Gabor's house. "A breathtaking view of downtown Los Angeles to the Pacific," say the brokers – removing the names of the stars.

The legend of rock'n'roll Elvis Presley lived here in front of Zsa Zsa's entrance, later home-made settings for movies with Michael Douglas, Matt Damon and Ben Affleck. "Then the house is hailed, which bites any buyer," says Anhalt on the advertising strategy of the brokers. "It's like fish food."

The Regency style villa, inspired by 19th century British architecture, has become very dusty. Since he 's fallen out of bed in the summer of 2010, Gabor was bedridden and had to be treated.

Von Anhalt has already moved

Finally, the Californian Anselese left a red carpet in front of the villa in mid-April. The estate of the Hollywood icon was auctioned. In the living room overlooking the pool were ornate furniture and a 1927 Steinway grand piano in a splendid porcelain dining room. Nearly 1,000 items, including expensive jewelry, paintings, furniture and designer dresses, cost over $ 900,000.

It shrank itself in May and traded the six-bedroom villa with over 800 square feet of living space for a modern luxury apartment in Beverly Hills. "The 310 square meters here are way too big for me," says von Anhalt. However, it is one of the best kept buildings in the city.

Three times the size of the old Gabor mansion, a new development on Los Angeles's expensive pitch might fail. Part of the sales offer are already approved for a new two-story home with seven bedrooms, ten bathrooms, bar, cinema, fitness room and an underground garage for six cars.

"Now Arabs, Iranians and Russians"

"Betonklotz" now feared from Anhalt. To find his desired buyer – as a rich actor – who would receive the old mansion, he considers improbable. Bel Air has completely changed over the last thirty years, complains the German native. "Now the Arabs, Iranians and Russians have a lot of money, they buy everything and no longer care about the objects."

Real estate agent Jade Mills certainly attracts potential buyers not only with new construction projects, but also with the possibility to maintain and modernize the historic villa. It's a unique opportunity to own part of Hollywood history, says the broker. "Kings, world leaders and icons of Hollywood have honored this site," he says in their commercial. But Anhalt seems sober. He is 99% sure that the new owner with the demolition ball is approaching.

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