Sword / Shield Pokémon: What are these mysterious symbols?


The eighth generation of Pokemon games, Pokemon Sword and Shield, has finally been revealed. The trailer, which you can watch below, presents the new starter Pokémon, a new region and the appearance of Pokémon on Nintendo Switch. But there are also some clichés that raise more questions than they answer.

At three places in the trailer, you can see stones with engraved symbols. These symbols are different from previous Pokémon riddles, like those of Genown 2 and Braille, and they could only be decoration – the new region, Galar, could draw inspiration from England and it could be Stonehenge stones. But they occupy an important place in their respective shots, so it is difficult to marvel.

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The trailer also contains a large sculpture representing what could be a Pokémon in a hill. Aside from another indication that it might be from an area inspired by England, this could represent a legendary Pokémon; he seems to be both spitting fire (or smoke) and firing lightning, and there are little figures at his feet who seem to be having a bad time.

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In more regular news, the trailer revealed the new Generation 8 Pokémon starter, and Sword and Shield were confirmed for a late release in 2019.


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