Sylvester Stallone Rocky Horror "Dolph Lundgren nearly killed me, I hated him." | Films | Entertainment


They do not make cinema hard men as before. We already knew that Stallone was a tough guy, but he just casually launched the news that he was almost dead when filming Rocky IV. Ivan Drago de Lundgren has become an iconic movie villain, but it's not just the audience that hates him. Stallone also confessed to hating the actor at a ceremony in his honor at the Cannes Film Festival this week.

Stallone was honored at the prestigious festival by a retrospective of his work, before a glimpse of the upcoming Rambo V; Last blood.

He told the shocked audience a terrifying bout of fighting with Lundgren: "He hit me so hard he nearly stopped my heart.

"I told him," Why do not we do it? Just try to knock me out. Really, escape as hard as you can. "It was a really stupid thing to say.

"The next thing I know, I'm in a plane at low altitude to get to the emergency room and I'm in intensive care for four days, and there are all these nuns around me."

What is extraordinary is that Lundgren was not the only Rocky star to have hospitalized Stallone. Read the shocking story of what happened with Stallone and Hulk Hogan here.

The legendary action icon also revealed his first violent reaction when he met his Swedish co-star on Rocky IV.

Stallone said: "I had to find a superhuman being as an opponent, someone who would be overwhelming … And then Dolph Lundgren came in and I immediately hated him.

Even Stallone himself realized that his reaction was a bit harsh and he tried to understand why.

Stallone added, "Oh, that's right, it's perfect … that's what I imagine they would create as an athlete – someone who's literally perfect. Indestructible. Shoulders, calves, forearms, giant buttocks, neck, back, everything. "

"Do not hate me because I'm perfect", I just took a more macho sense …



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